5 Dietary sources that helps to control sugar levels


One of the prominent factors that raises the chances to raise blood sugar levels is your intake of meals. Diet that consist of packed food, sweet beverages, desserts and excess salt will ultimately cause high blood sugar levels in diabetics.

According to doctors, whatever you consume has a big impact on how effectively you control your blood sugar levels. For diabetic patients, a person needs meals rich in protein, fibre, antioxidants, and vitamin C that have the power to control blood sugar levels. However, certain meals are worse for diabetic than others since they can quickly spike blood glucose levels.

Here are 5 foods to stay away from if you have high blood sugar:

1. Sugar

Sugary food items that include pastries, sweets, cakes, cookies, candies, and chocolate should be avoided at any cost by those with diabetic. Experts explained that overindulging in meals and drinks with added sugar increases the chance of obesity, which in turn increases the risk of high blood sugar. A higher risk for sudden cardiac death has also been linked to the adverse effects of added sugar consumption, including increased blood pressure, inflammation, and fatty liver disease.

2. Processed foods high in saturated and trans fats

Processed foods should be avoided by diabetics since they can increase a spike in blood sugar levels.

In addition, eating packaged foods rich in saturated fats may increase your body’s levels of dangerous cholesterol.

Experts observed that trans-fat is included in foodstuffs to retain them for just a greater amount of time and further it increases the risk of diabetes and heart-related problems.

3. Sweet cereals

Cereal is frequently chosen since most people consider it to be a full and nutritious alternative to other morning foods. But that’s not accurate! much more so if you have diabetes. Sugar is present in cereals, which are heavily processed and packed with refined grains. They can raise the risk of a variety of chronic health issues, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and liver problems. Avoid them at all costs. You may also have a bowl of soaking oats every morning in place of this.

4. Fruits

To all, fruits are enriched with all nutrition as they contain a good source of fibre and essential nutrients.

Fruits are a nutritious choice for a snack and a complete meal. However, certain fruits, such figs, grapes, mangoes, cherries, and bananas, have high sugar content; as a result, you need to restrict them if you have high blood sugars.

Fruits that can be consumed are; jamun, pears, delicious limes, peaches, apples, and plums for your good taste. But take these fruits also in moderate amounts.

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