6 Great Benefits of Dragon Fruit

6 Great Benefits of Dragon Fruit

6 Great Benefits of Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit, also known as pitahaya or strawberry pear, is a tropical fruit known for its bright red skin and sweet, seed-speckled pulp. It is very exotic-looking. Dragon fruit is juicy with sweet in taste same like a mix of kiwi and pear. The seeds have a nutty flavor.

1. Helps in weight loss

If you are trying hard to reduce your calorie intake, then add dragon fruit to your diet. You will see the results. Dragon fruit the whole fruit contains just 60 calories and only eight grams of sugar. It also prevents the want to eat more.

2. Helps to reduce anemia during pregnancy

The red dragon fruit juice can be an alternative treatment to deal with anemia among pregnant women. Dragon fruit provides a healthy dose of nutrients for pregnant women as well as gives necessary nutritive elements for the child’s growth. Dragon fruit provides the benefit of undertaking cellular regeneration in the treatment of wounds which prevents infection

3. No inflammation

Eating antioxidant rich foods like dragon fruit help by neutralizing free radicals, so no cell damage and inflammation. The anti-inflammatory properties of the fruit might provide relief from tenderness and inflammation.

4. Skin care

Dragon fruit carries many benefits for the skin. It helps to reduce age spots, wrinkles, dry skin, and acne. The benefits come from its vitamin C and antioxidants in the fruit. These vitamins and minerals can play a role in gradually repairing cell damage, resulting in a more younger looking appearance.

5.  Aids blood sugar levels

It can help in keeping you full for longer hours. It may help lower your blood sugar. Researchers say this might be partly because it replaces damaged cells in your pancreas that make insulin, the hormone that helps your body break down sugar.

6. Supports your immune system

It can strengthen your immune system. Dragon fruit is high in vitamin C and other antioxidants, which are good for your immune system. It can boost your iron levels. The white blood cells in your immune system attack and destroy harmful substances


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