5 incredible tips to maintain healthy eyes

Because we spend most of our time staring at screens, eye health has become more important than it has ever been. Prolonged exposure can harm the health of the eyes and result in a variety of problems, such as fatigue, dry eyes, and blurred vision. With a mix of mindfulness practices, eye exercises, UV protection glasses, mindful eating, and frequent eye washing, you may preserve your vision. To prevent digital strain, it’s crucial to give your eyes a brief break every 20 minutes. Maintaining excellent hydration and eating a balanced diet can also help to maintain eye health.

Five quick methods to prevent digital strain and maintain healthy eyes.

  1. Follow the 20-20-20 rule

Extended periods of time spent in front of digital screens can cause digital eye strain, which can cause headaches, fatigue, dry eyes, and blurred vision. To help with this, take a 20-second break every 20 minutes and concentrate on something 20 feet away. This easy exercise reduces eye strain and relaxes the muscles around the eyes.

2. Put on UV-blocking sunglasses

Sunlight’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage your eyes and raise your chance of developing cataracts and other eye conditions. Wear sunglasses that completely block UVA and UVB rays whenever you go outside, especially on cloudy days when UV rays can still reach you. Choose wraparound models to protect your eyes from all sides.

3. Keep your diet well-balanced.

Foods high in nutrients are essential to maintaining eye health. Include foods high in zinc, lutein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins C and E in your diet. Citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish oil, and eggs are some examples of them. They not only preserve vision but also lower the chance of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

4. Do not dehydrate

Dry eyes, a condition when the eyes don’t produce enough tears or the proper kind of tears, can be brought on by dehydration. Drink lots of water throughout the day to avoid this. Additionally, stay away from consuming large amounts of alcoholic or caffeinated beverages since these might worsen dehydration.

5. Maintain proper hygiene

Before handling contact lenses or putting anything in your eyes, always wash your hands. Replace your contact lens case every three months and clean it on a regular basis. Unless your contact lenses are made especially for sleeping through the night, avoid sleeping with them on. Make it a habit to remove your makeup at night, being careful not to leave any residue behind that could irritate your eyes.


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