8 methods that lower risk of breast cancer


Normally people surf the internet to search what efforts they can do to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Research indicates that lifestyle changes may decrease the risk of breast cancer. Some risk factors are unchanged such as genetics. These healthy habits play a major role in your life and prevent you from defending not only breast cancer but other severe diseases.

Health experts recommend these 8 methods which can lower the risks of getting breast cancer:

  • Alcohol: Your risk will increase when your intake of alcohol is on the rise. The researchers suggest that there is a direct effect of alcohol on the development of breast cancer. Limit yourself to one drink only.
  • Uphold a healthy weight: If you are healthy then maintain your weight to prevent yourself from getting an infection by breast cancer and if you are obese then you should work on your weight. Either start exercising at home or start going to the gym. Reduce the number of calories you eat each day and slowly increase the amount of exercise.
  • Active physically: Physical activities can boost your energy to maintain a healthy weight, which aids in preventing breast cancer. Experts say, Most healthy adults should aim for at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity weekly, plus strength training at least twice a week.
  • Breastfeed: Breastfeeding might play a role in preventing breast cancer. The longer you breastfeed, the more you get the protection.
  • Limit Hormone Therapy: Combination hormone therapy may increase the risk of breast cancer. One thing which can balance your therapy and can lower the risk of cancer is decreasing the dose that works for them and monitors your health changes from time to time.
  • Healthy diet: Your diet plays an important role in preventing you from any disease such as diabetes, heart stroke, and cancer. Focusing on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts are good to add to your meal. Choose fish rather than red meat to eat.
  • Vitamin D – Best exposure of Vitamin D is from the sun but a woman is not taking sun exposure than required then you can switch to vitamin d supplements which plays a role in fighting against breast cancer.
  • Hydrated: Keep yourself hydrated; focus on the fluids which are healthy for your body like fresh juice, coconut water, and lime juice as citrus fruits are also beneficial.

Do birth control pills and breast cancer interrelate?
Some of the studies show that there are chances of getting breast cancer if you are taking birth control pills because they release some kind of hormones that can catch the disease. But it is deemed to be at a small fraction. If you stop using pills then the risk can be lowered.


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