Seasonal Affective Disorder: Causes and treatment

Seasonal Affective Disorder affects more than 10 million people in India. As the name implies, the season and its accompanying weather have an impact on a person’s mood. SAD, also known as seasonal affective disorder, is a type of depression that is influenced by the changing of the seasons. Most SAD sufferers experience symptoms that begin in the fall and last into the winter, draining their energy and making them moody, but these symptoms typically go away in the spring and summer. Less frequently, SAD may also result in depression in the spring or early summer and resolve in the fall or winter.


It is unknown what causes SAD in reality. Yet, the hot summer and dreary winter are the seasons where individuals in India tend to feel down, irritable, or out of place due to the weather. A person may become enough irritated by the monsoon just by contemplating the disadvantages. There are other changes in mood brought on by the disruption of the biological clock.


The majority of the day, almost every day, you may feel restless, depressed, or down. Typically, these feelings are worse after sunset.

Additional signs include:

1. Lack of interest in previously enjoyed activities

2. Low energy and feeling lethargic

3. Experiencing issues with excessive sleep

4. Suffering from cravings for carbohydrates, overeating, and weight gain

5. finding it difficult to concentrate

6. sensing worthlessness, remorse, or hopelessness

7. considering ending one’s life


When exposure to sunlight is not possible, light therapy (phototherapy), psychotherapy, and medicines are used as SAD treatments. It is important to take action to maintain one’s motivation and attitude throughout the year. It’s necessary to remind oneself that it’s only the season and to slightly coerce yourself into doing the things you know you usually like.

Doctors advised: To stimulate the required neurotransmitters or the happy hormones to elevate mood, one must ensure that they incorporate a high energy activity on a regular basis.
– Eating the essential nutrients and keeping a healthy level of water are crucial.
– It’s crucial to stay in touch with friends and avoid withdrawing.
– Drinking water and having cold or warm showers depending on the weather helps reduce irritation brought on by temperature and improve mood.

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