Ludhiana, November 25 2021
151th Arbitration proceeding meeting conducted by District level Micro & Small Enterprises Facilitation Council Ludhiana which held under the chairmanship of Chairman cum Deputy Commissioner Ludhiana Varinder Kumar Sharma which was also attended by Neeru Katyal PCS , LAC of LIT as nodal officer, Member Himanshu Walia, Lead District Manager Sanjay Gupta, Rakesh Kumar Kansal Member Secretary cum GMDIC.
READ MORE :-DBEE Governing Council meeting held today
In Todays Meeting 80 Cases were enlisted and this council decided 18 references on Merits through summary proceedings out of which 11 claims accepted , 6 Dismissed in Default and one dismissed as Withdrawn.
Himanshu Walia member of District council, disseminated that stake holders should take advantage of this quasi judicial Authority . He also apprised that it is the initiative of Punjab Govt who is premier in forming District level councils out of India , where as in other state there are state level councils but it is Punjab , where there is District level Councils, envisaging facilitation to the stake holders . Facilitiation coucil is boosting the morale of the stake holders.