Shaheed Bhagat Singh State University Ferozepur Celebrated National NSS Day
SBSSU, 24 September:
A premier Punjab Government Established State University established on the name of Shaheed-e-Azam S. Bhagat Singh celebrated National NSS Day on 24th Sept., 2022 in its Campus. NSS unit Poly Wing, Red Ribbon Club, ACHIEVERS and ACME Societies of Poly Wing in collaboration with Youth Services Department, Ferozepur organised different events to celebrate this day. Firstly, Mr. Gurjeevan Singh –Program Officer NSS Poly Wing delivered a seminar to students on various Social Evils. He highlighted issues like Drug Addiction, Female Foeticide, Domestic Violence and Dowry. After this seminar, a poster making competition under the able guidance of Mr. Gurpreet Singh-Program Officer Red Ribbon Club on the topics viz. Martyr Day of Shaheed Bhagat Singh and Say no to Drugs was organised and the students who bagged first three positions were rewarded. Ojasvi Verma, Titus Hans, Gursevak Singh and Tanvi Magotra bagged the top positions respectively. At last, Prof. Gazal Preet Arneja University Registrar launched Cleanliness Drive in the University campus and gave the message of “Don’t be bitter; Stop the litter”. Sh. Preet Kohli Asst. Director, Youth Services Deptt. Ferozepur appreciated the efforts of SBS State University in organising all the events on National NSS Day. He proudly said this programme was aimed to instil the idea of social welfare among students, and to provide service to society without bias.
Prof. Buta Singh Sidhu Vice-Chancellor SBSSU applauds the efforts of all Program Officers in organising all the events on National NSS Day in the campus. He appreciated NSS volunteers and motivated them to work and ensure that everyone in the society who is needy gets help so that their standard of living can be enhanced and can lead a dignity life.
Principal Poly Wing Mr. Manpreet Singh also applauds the efforts of Mr. Gurjeevan Singh, Gurpreet Singh and Dr. Kamal Khanna (Coordinator ACME) and also congratulated the students who bagged the top positions.