Young people are developing diabetes at an alarmingly high rate around the world, a development that could have even more severe effects on young people who are already at risk of having diabetic complications early in life. Obesity, unhealthy eating patterns, and a sedentary lifestyle all appear to be causing this increase.
Early onset type 2 diabetes, which typically occurs in middle age or old age, is the term used to describe diabetes that develops before the age of 40. Diabetes is now more commonly developing in children, teenagers, adults in their 20s and 30s than it was a few decades ago. People sometimes disregard the symptoms of diabetes because they may not anticipate receiving a diagnosis so early in life, and delaying treatment could result in serious harm to children.
DIABETES Symptoms and Signs in Young People
Early-onset type 2 diabetes has the same warning signs and symptoms as type 2 diabetes in people who are older.
They may have excessive thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, unhealing wounds, and foot numbness in addition to visual problems or blurred vision, among other things.
Obesity is the primary factor in the younger age groups where diabetes is occurring.
Unhealthy eating habits, particularly the consumption of junk food, an excess of calories, sugar, and fat, as well as a lack of exercise, all contribute to obesity. Another factor that can contribute to diabetes in younger age is stress. People who develop type 2 diabetes earlier in life typically have a strong family history of the disease in either one or both of their parents.
Changes in lifestyle can help prevent diabetes. Eating healthy foods is crucial, as is limiting your intake of carbohydrates and calories in general.
To preserve quality of life and avoid complications from diabetes itself, it is essential to prevent type 2 diabetes from developing early in life. It is never too late to start living a healthier lifestyle.
Here are 5 easy methods to avoid diabetes before age 40:
1. Exercise: It is the most effective medicine. The majority of us need to rejuvenate with at least moderate activity, if not intensive, as most of us are exercise deficient. Moderate activity includes activities like brisk walking, light housework, gardening, lifting up to 20 kg, dancing, and other physical hobbies. Before starting a new plan, please speak with your doctor for the best outcomes.
2. A 5% weight loss can improve several elements of diabetes-related problems and lead to a metabolically better life. Increase your protein intake while reducing your excess carbohydrate intake to lower levels rather than zero. In a nutshell, sufficient nutrients and calories are necessary for leading a healthy lifestyle. Avoid self-dieting, fad diets, and crash diets.
3. Give up smoking: This is crucial if you have diabetes.
4. There are several ways to reduce stress, including dancing, meditation, yoga, listening to music, dancing, counseling, and going into silence for a few minutes each day.
5. Getting enough sleep is important for maintaining a healthy weight and preventing diabetes.