5 yoga asanas to bring relief from arthritis

क्षमा करें, यह समाचार आपके अनुरोध की भाषा में उपलब्ध नहीं है। कृपया यहाँ देखें।

The various types of arthritis range from inflammation caused by an overactive immune system to cartilage wear and tear, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Joint pain, stiffness, and swelling are common symptoms of arthritis. Arthritis is a term that encompasses more than 100 known forms. The incorporation of yoga asanas into your daily routine, according to those who are knowledgeable in the subject, can greatly increase your range of motion and bring about relief.

1. Hastottanasana, also known as the Raise Arms Pose:

Raise both arms over your head and interlace your hands as you slowly inhale through your nose. Take a stance that is tall and upright on the ground. As you exhale, move your arms into the Samasthithi stance by bringing them down to your sides.

2. Malasana, often known as the “Waste Evacuation Pose”

Maintain the Samasthithi position by standing with your feet and shoulders at a comfortable distance apart. Slowly lower yourself into a squatting position while keeping your legs somewhat wider apart than your body. While you are breathing, lean your torso forward until it is positioned such that it is tight between your thighs. Put both of your feet on the ground in a flat position, and bring your palms together.

3. Mountain Pose, also known as Samasthithi or Tadasana:

Maintain an upright posture with your feet touching as you stand. Maintain a comfortable posture by shrugging your shoulders, and contract the muscles in your stomach. Hold this position and breathe deeply for five to eight breaths while transferring your weight evenly between both feet.

4. Paschimottanasana, also known as the Seated Forward Bend:

To begin, bring your feet together in front of you and make sure your knees are bent just a little bit. As you raise your arms above your head, make sure to keep your spine in a neutral position. While you are inhaling, hinge at your hips to bring your upper body forward and place it on top of your lower body. Make an effort to hold your big toes with your fingers or any other part of your foot that is available.

5. Dhanurasana, also known as Bow Pose:

Position yourself so that you are lying on your stomach with your knees bent and parallel to one another. Put your palms on top of your ankles and give them a tight grip. Hold the position with your arms and legs raised as high as they can go and your gaze directed upward.



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