10 Herbs To Fight Diabetes

क्षमा करें, यह समाचार आपके अनुरोध की भाषा में उपलब्ध नहीं है। कृपया यहाँ देखें।


Directs kapha dosha (dependability and construction) because of its astringent, warming and dry nature which is the essential driver of diabetes. It likewise have great impact on working of liver and pancreas

Bearing of utilization: Root powder: 1-2 gms, decoction: 10 ml-20 ml


Aid the recovery of insulin and delivering Beta Cells. It contains Gymnemic Acid whose sub-atomic plan is like glucose particles. Gymnemic Acid atoms fill the receptor areas on the taste buds in this way forestalling enactment of taste buds by sugar particles present in the food, consequently, checking the sugar hankering.

Heading of utilization: Powder of dried leaves 3-6gms, decoction of roots 50 – 100 ml


Aside from controlling kapha dosha it additionally directs digestion because of shot potency.Neem improves insulin receptor affectability and are likewise useful in lessening the requirement for hypo-glycaemic drugs.

Heading of utilization: Dried leaves powder-3-6 gm


Because of its kashay (astringent) taste and absorptive quality it adjusts kapha and helps control the recurrence of pee and bringing down the pee and glucose level

Heading of utilization: Powder of dried seeds 3 – 6gms


Because of its kashay (astringent) taste and light and drying nature It adjusts kapha and manage glucose level and due to katu vipak, balance digestion in the body. Functions admirably for diabetic entanglements

Bearing of utilization: Heart wood as decoction 50-100 mland 3-6 gm as powder.


Bilva is kaphashamak by ruksha, laghu, Kashaya and harsh properties. These properties makes it viable to direct the glucose and battle diabetic confusions.

Heading of utilization: Powder of dried unripe organic product 3-6 gm.

Methi (fenugreek)

Tikta ras (harsh taste) and ushna virya of methi makes it kapha shamak, which battles the main driver of diabetes

Heading of utilization: Seed and entire plant, Powder – 2 to 6 gm


In view of Katu, tikta, ushna properties Haridra adjusts kapha which is the essential dosha associated with diabetes. Disinfectant properties of haridra makes it helpful in controling the contaminations in diabetic patients. It likewise is advantageous in Boils of skin and urinary lot diseases which are regular in diabetics

Course of utilization: Powder of dried Haridra – 2-4 gm , juice of new Haridra rhizome is 10-20 ml.

Karela (Bittergourd)

Tikta, laghu, ruksha gunas of karelapacify disturbance of kapha. It invigorates pancreas, liver and spleen and directs glucose level. Ruksha guna and katu vipak improves ingestion of food and better digestion.

Heading of utilization: Juice of new organic product 10-20ml, dried natural product powder 3-6 gm

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