Monthly Production Report for June, 2021;

क्षमा करें, यह समाचार आपके अनुरोध की भाषा में उपलब्ध नहीं है। कृपया यहाँ देखें।

Natural gas production during June 2021 was 19.52% higher than in June 2020;

4.92% more Crude Oil Processed during June 2021

DELHI : 23 JUL 2021 
  1. Production of Crude Oil

Crude oil production during June 2021 was 2481.66 TMT, which is 2.26% lower than target for the month and 1.79% lower when compared with production of June 2020. Cumulative crude oil production during April-June, 2021 was 7412.87 TMT, which is 2.24% and 3.42% lower than target for the period and production during corresponding period of last year respectively. Unit-wise and State-wise crude oil production is given at Annexure-I. Unit-wise crude oil production for the month of June 2021 and cumulatively for the period April-June, 2021 vis-à-vis same period of last year has been shown in Table-1 and month-wise in Figure-1.

Table-1: Crude Oil Production (in TMT)

Oil Company Target June (Month) April-June (Cumulative)
2021-22 (Apr-Mar)* 2021-22 2020-21 % over last year 2021-22 2020-21 % over last year
Target* Prod.* Prod. Target* Prod.* Prod.
ONGC 20272.88 1656.04 1621.92 1667.52 97.27 4955.11 4812.14 5068.40 94.94
OIL 3182.60 249.64 246.52 241.70 102.00 751.22 742.34 746.40 99.46
PSC Fields 7718.52 633.38 613.22 617.79 99.26 1876.23 1858.39 1860.49 99.89
Total 31173.99 2539.06 2481.66 2527.00 98.21 7582.56 7412.87 7675.29 96.58

Note: Totals may not tally due to rounding off.     *: Provisional


Figure-1: Monthly Crude Oil Production

Unit-wise production details with reasons for shortfall are as under:


    1. Crude oil production by ONGC (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation) in nomination block during June 2021 was 1621.92 TMT, which is 2.06% lower than target of the month and 2.73% lower when compared with production of June 2020. Cumulative crude oil production by ONGC during April-June, 2021 was 4812.14 TMT, which is 2.89% and 5.06% lower than target for the period and production during corresponding period of last year respectively. Reasons for shortfall in production are as under:


  • Less than anticipated production from WO-16 cluster.
  • Loss in oil production due impact of cyclone Tauktae.


    1. Crude oil production by OIL (Oil India Ltd) in the nomination block during June 2021 was 246.52 TMT, which is 2.0% higher than the production of corresponding month of last year but 1.25% lower than target of the reporting month. Cumulative crude oil production by OIL during April-June, 2021 was 742.34 TMT, which is 1.18% and 0.54% lower than target for the period and production during corresponding period of last year respectively. Reasons for shortfall in production are as under:


  • Less than planned contribution from workover wells, drilling wells and old wells.
  • Bandhs /blockade by local people and associations after the Baghjan Blowout.


    1. Crude oil production by Pvt/JVs companies in the PSC/RSC regime during June 2021 was 613.22 TMT, which is 3.18% lower than target of the month and 0.74% lower when compared with production of June 2020. Cumulative crude oil production by Pvt/JVs companies during April-June, 2021 was 1858.39 TMT, which is 0.95% and 0.11% lower than target for the period and production during corresponding period of last year respectively. Reasons for shortfall in production are as under:


  • RAVVA (Cairn Energy India Ltd): Production shortfall is due to injectivity issues, which has caused lower productivity from wells RD-3ST & RD-6ST.
  • CB-ONN-2000/1 (GSPC): Few wells not producing due to possible casing damage, reservoir issues, possible damage in sub surface assembly. Also, minor shortfall due to power failure by Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Ltd.
  • CB-ONN-2004/2 (ONGC): One development well in VD-3 discovery could not be drilled. Vadatal#21 well is under water knockout. MB/OSDSF/B80/2016 (Hindustan Oil Exploration Company Ltd.): Delay in commencement of production.


  1. Production of Natural Gas


Natural gas production during June 2021 was 2777.43 MMSCM, which is 19.52% higher when compared with production of June 2020 but 5.26% lower than the monthly target. Cumulative natural gas production during April-June, 2021 was 8168.56 MMSCM, which is 20.39% higher than production during corresponding period of last year but 3.52% lower when compared with target for the period. Unit-wise and state-wise natural gas production is given at Annexure-II. Unit-wise natural gas production for the month of June 2021 and cumulatively for the period April-June, 2021 vis-à-vis same period of last year has been shown in Table-2 and month-wise in Figure-2.

Table-2: Natural Gas Production (in MMSCM)

Oil Company Target June (Month) April-June (Cumulative)
2021-22 (Apr-Mar)* 2021-22 2020-21 % over last year 2021-22 2020-21 % over last year
Target* Prod.* Prod. Target* Prod.* Prod.
ONGC 23335.10 1908.05 1684.85 1818.97 92.63 5603.27 5052.38 5350.60 94.43
OIL 2949.65 242.65 230.14 219.24 104.97 733.14 675.20 649.52 103.95
PSC Fields 11834.60 780.77 862.44 285.61 301.97 2130.57 2440.99 785.02 310.94
Total 38119.35 2931.48 2777.43 2323.81 119.52 8466.98 8168.56 6785.14 120.39

Note:  Totals may not tally due to rounding off. *: Provisional


Figure-2: Monthly Natural Gas Production 


    1. Natural gas production by ONGC in the nomination blocks during June 2021 was 1684.85 MMSCM, which is 11.70% lower than target for the month and 7.37% lower when compared with production of June 2020. Cumulative natural gas production by ONGC during April-June, 2021 was 5052.38 MMSCM, which is 9.83% and 5.57% lower than target for the period and production during corresponding period of last year respectively. Reasons for shortfall in production are as under:


  • Less than planned production from Vasistha/S1 wells in EOA due to certain reservoir related issues.
  • Delay in commencement of gas production from U1 field of KG-98/2 Cluster-II due to Covid impact as manufacturing of subsea items and well completion was delayed.
  • Loss in gas production due impact of cyclone.
  • Less offtake by consumers at Tripura & Rajahmundry.
  • Less than envisaged production from Dahej & Gandhar field in Ankleshwar.


    1. Natural gas production by OIL in the nomination block during June 2021 was 230.14 MMSCM, which is 4.97% higher than the production of June 2020 but 5.16% lower than the target for the month. Cumulative natural gas production by OIL during April-June, 2021 was 675.20 MMSCM, which is 3.95% higher than production during corresponding period of last year but 7.90% lower than target for the period. Reasons for shortfall in production are as under:


  • Low upliftment/demand of gas by the major customers.
  • Bandhs /blockade by local people and associations after the Baghjan Blowout.


    1. Natural gas production by Pvt/JVs companies in the PSC/RSC/CBM regime during June 2021 was 862.44 MMSCM, which is 10.46% higher than target and 201.97% higher when compared with June 2020. Cumulative natural gas production by Pvt/JVs during April-June, 2021 was 2440.99 MMSCM, which is 14.57% and 210.94% higher than target for the period and production during corresponding period of last year respectively. Increase in gas production is through contributions from D-34 field of KG DWN 98/3, which commenced from 18.12.2020, wells from satellite cluster (commenced w.e.f 25.4.2021).



  1. Crude Oil Processed (Crude Throughput)

Crude Oil Processed during June 2021 was 18400.07 TMT, which is 4.92% higher than June 2020 but 4.01% lower than the target for the month. Cumulative crude throughput during April-June, 2021 was 57254.84 TMT, which is 17.74% higher when compared with the production of corresponding period of last year but 2.74% lower than target for the period. Refinery-wise details of the crude throughput and capacity utilization during the month of June 2021 vis-à-vis June 2020 are given at Annexure-III and Annexure-IV. Company-wise crude throughput for the month of June 2021 and cumulatively for the period April-June, 2021vis-à-vis same period of last year has been shown in Table-3 and month-wise in Figure-3.


Figure 3: Crude Oil Processed (Crude Throughput) 

Table 3: Crude Oil Processed (Crude Throughput) (in TMT)

Oil Company Target June (Month) April-June (Cumulative)
2021-22 (Apr-Mar)* 2021-22 2020-21 % over last year 2021-22 2020-21 % over last year
Target* Prod.* Prod. Target* Prod.* Prod.
CPSE 145812.84 11791.51 10043.15 10318.50 97.33 34811.52 31708.78 25802.94 122.89
IOCL 70299.81 5804.42 5358.33 5572.88 96.15 18110.36 16718.98 12929.91 129.30
BPCL 30499.94 2625.00 2045.75 1903.24 107.49 7905.00 6717.08 5070.45 132.47
HPCL 17199.69 1074.31 785.28 1379.15 56.94 3024.75 2508.01 3970.29 63.17
CPCL 10000.00 900.00 645.55 579.16 111.46 1930.00 2034.51 1327.96 153.21
NRL 2750.35 232.42 192.73 249.71 77.18 627.55 640.03 625.21 102.37
MRPL 15000.00 1150.00 1009.62 626.95 161.04 3200.00 3070.48 1863.49 164.77
ONGC 63.04 5.36 5.88 7.41 79.26 13.87 19.70 15.62 126.07
JVs 18021.00 1331.00 1487.80 1171.90 126.96 4418.00 4815.53 3190.25 150.95
BORL 7000.00 425.00 424.88 387.20 109.73 1670.00 1591.31 1159.55 137.23
HMEL 11021.00 906.00 1062.92 784.71 135.45 2748.00 3224.22 2030.70 158.77
Private 78008.07 6046.70 6869.12 6046.70 113.60 19636.21 20730.53 19636.21 105.57
RIL 60940.96 4652.50 5219.35 4652.50 112.18 15279.28 15755.52 15279.28 103.12
NEL 17067.11 1394.20 1649.77 1394.20 118.33 4356.93 4975.01 4356.93 114.19
TOTAL 241841.91 19169.20 18400.07 17537.09 104.92 58865.73 57254.84 48629.40 117.74

Note:  Totals may not tally due to rounding off.        *: Provisional



3.1 CPSE Refineries’ crude oil processed during June 2021 was 10043.15 TMT, which 14.83% lower than target for the month and 2.67% lower than June 2020. Cumulative crude throughput during April-June, 2021 was 31708.78 TMT which is 22.89% higher than corresponding period of last year but 8.91% lower than target for the period. Reasons for shortfall in production are as under:


  • IOCL-Guwahati: Crude oil processed lower due to extended revamp shutdown.
  • IOCL-Barauni: Crude oil processed lower due to deferment of M&I shutdown.
  • IOCL-Gujarat, Haldia, Mathura & Panipat: Crude processed lower due to lower product demand
  • IOCL-Paradip: Lower product demand & Coke deposition in Vacuum Distillation column leading to lower crude processing.
  • HPCL, Mumbai: Crude oil processed lower due to one of the crude processing unit is under planned shutdown for revamp job. Most of the other units are also under planned shutdown for revamp jobs.
  • HPCL, Viskah: Crude oil processed lower due to shutdown of one of the primary crude processing unit
  • CPCL-Manali: Crude oil processed lower due to fall in product demand.
  • NRL-Numaligarhi: Crude oil processed lower due to shutdown of secondary units


3.2       JV refineries’ crude oil processed during June 2021 was 1487.80 TMT, which is 11.78% higher than the target for the month and 26.96% higher than June 2020. Cumulative crude throughput during April-June, 2021 was 4815.53 TMT, which is 9.0% and 50.95% higher than target for the period and production during corresponding period of last year respectively.


3.3       Private refineries’ crude oil processed during June 2021 was 6869.12 TMT, which is 13.6% higher than the corresponding month of last year. Cumulative crude throughput during April-June, 2021 was 20730.53 TMT, which is 5.57% higher than the corresponding period of last year.


  1. Production of Petroleum Products

Production of Petroleum Products during June 2021 was 19172.25 TMT, which is 2.39% higher than production of June 2020 but 5.18% lower when compared with target for the month. Cumulative production during April-June, 2021 was 59991.63 TMT, which is 15.45% higher when compared with the production of corresponding period of last year but 2.97% lower than target for the period. Unit-wise production of petroleum products is given at Annexure-V. Company-wise production for the month of June 2021 and cumulatively for the period April-June, 2021 vis-à-Vis same period of last year has been shown in Table-4 and month-wise in Figure-4.


Table 4: Production of Petroleum Products (TMT)

Oil Company Target May (Month) April-May (Cumulative)
2021-22 (Apr-Mar)* 2021-22 2020-21 % over last year 2021-22 2020-21 % over last year
Target* Prod.* Prod. Target* Prod.* Prod.
CPSE 137873.44 11171.05 9388.56 9720.80 96.58 32979.76 29995.76 24255.70 123.66
IOCL 66984.33 5567.80 5016.78 5285.02 94.92 17325.09 15961.87 12193.20 130.91
BPCL 29279.04 2501.59 1940.68 1878.07 103.33 7552.21 6503.29 4898.42 132.76
HPCL 16019.55 997.76 793.33 1246.29 63.65 2809.87 2413.42 3743.61 64.47
CPCL 9279.11 836.95 569.50 518.92 109.75 1778.11 1789.08 1176.60 152.05
NRL 2749.06 232.32 159.72 249.59 63.99 627.25 604.60 629.27 96.08
MRPL 13502.33 1029.53 902.84 535.85 168.49 2874.04 2704.78 1599.78 169.07
ONGC 60.02 5.10 5.71 7.06 80.87 13.20 18.72 14.83 126.25
JVs 16361.00 1220.00 1421.29 1182.15 120.23 4049.00 4461.34 3027.24 147.37
BORL 6095.00 362.00 386.13 377.44 102.30 1447.00 1399.63 973.26 143.81
HMEL 10266.00 858.00 1035.16 804.72 128.64 2602.00 3061.71 2053.98 149.06
Private 93222.97 7452.83 8040.29 7452.83 107.88 23697.97 24512.97 23697.97 103.44
RIL 76683.16 6078.29 6427.27 6078.30 105.74 19384.66 19718.00 19384.66 101.72
NEL 16539.81 1374.53 1613.02 1374.53 117.35 4313.31 4794.97 4313.31 111.17
Total Refinery 247457.41 19843.88 18850.13 18355.78 102.69 60726.73 58970.06 50980.91 115.67
Fractionators 4516.39 374.91 322.11 369.03 87.29 1099.01 1021.57 983.00 103.92
TOTAL 251973.80 20218.78 19172.25 18724.82 102.39 61825.73 59991.63 51963.92 115.45

Note:  Totals may not tally due to rounding off. *: Provisional


Figure 4: Monthly Refinery Production of Petroleum Products 


    1. Production of petroleum Products by Oil’s Refineries during June 2021 was 18850.13 TMT, which is 2.69% higher than production of June 2020 but 5.01% lower when compared with target for the month. Cumulative production during April-June, 2021 was 58970.06 TMT, which is 15.67% higher when compared with the production of corresponding period of last year but 2.89% lower than target for the period.


    1. Production of petroleum Products by Fractionators during June 2021 was 322.11 TMT, which is 14.08 lower when compared with target for the month and 12.71% lower than the target for the month. Cumulative production during April-June, 2021 was 1021.57 TMT, which is 3.92% higher when compared with the production of corresponding period of last year but 7.05% lower than target for the period.


Click here for Annexures


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