Approach to surveillance and also feedback adaptation to new realities is important
June 28
Approach to surveillance, feedback and adaptation/adjustment to new realities is essential. This will pave the way for development. Actually we need to move ahead based on what is happening around us. Shri Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Economic Adviser to the Government of India, expressed these views in the lecture series ‘Transformative Change-Sustainable outcomes’ at Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Good Governance and Policy Analysis on the topic ‘Policy Making for an Uncertain Post-Covid World’. Principal Economic Adviser Shri Sanyal said that surveillance, continuous testing, vaccination and quick response can prevent possible waves of corona. He said that the Government of India has taken action to deal with the Covid crisis by adopting an approach of Monitoring, Response and Adaptation. Shri Sanyal said that the information and knowledge in the first wave of Corona was uncertain and unclear. As a result, a long lockdown had to be imposed. But after the opening of the lockdown, the economy improved rapidly. The budget for the year 2020-21 was also expansionist. It focused on capital expenditure, land monetization and privatization of non strategic sectors. Shri Sanyal pointed out that the 2nd wave of Corona was more stressful in terms of health, but not so serious for the economy. He said that mainly three measures were taken to take forward the economic system. Emphasis was placed on fiscal and monetary support to stimulate consumption in the economy, combating inflation due to increased demand and giving targeted support to the worst-affected sectors. Shri Sanyal showed his views on urban development quoting managed development of Singapore and planned development of Chandigarh. He said that most of the good cities across the world are the result of continuous reinvestment. Vice Chairman, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Good Governance and Policy Analysis Prof. Sachin Chaturvedi, said that new experiences of the speakers come to the fore through such lecture series. These experiences will help in making development plans for Madhya Pradesh. He said that resources are less, a policy has to be made for their better use. In the post Covid 19 period, it is important to think about how we can do something new in the interest of life as well as business activities and the state.