Brain Fog: Symptoms, Causes and Strategies to overcome

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In brain fog, a person is unable to focus and think clearly as during this time patients are made more difficult. It also makes you feel worn out and angry. It can be quite difficult to formulate judgments and maintain your attention on a single activity until it is treated well.

What makes you develop brain fog?

Stress, excessive workloads, and sleep deprivation are some of the signs of brain fog. Though it may be inconvenient, brain fog is curable. Take note of your concerns. Dizziness can lower your level of well-being and raise your chance of developing memory loss, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s if left untreated.

Five strategies to overcome brain fog were provided by a medical practitioner:

  1. Alpha-amino acid

L-tyrosine, an amino acid that includes dopamine is required to consume in your daily diet. Foods like apples, avocados, bananas, beets, dark chocolate, green leafy vegetables, nuts like almonds and walnuts, olives, oregano, rosemary, turmeric, and watermelon are examples of foods from the animal kingdom (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy).

  1. To-do List:

When you make an infinite to-do list it makes your brain and the neurological system even more overloaded, which causes your brain overloaded and postpone.

You are forced to choose what is actually most essential by using the list. Include your most priority things on top which might be pushed up the list or put on your to-do list for the following day.

  1. Intermittent fasting

No doubt that intermittent fasting boosts many metabolic features which are crucial for the development of brain health.  Here are the things which get aid through fasting:

Blood sugar levels, inflammation, oxidative damage, and insulin resistance

Additionally, a hormone in the brain called brain-derived neurotrophic factor is increased by fasting (BDNF). Depression, mood swings, and difficulty learning new things are all caused by low levels of BDNF. Since intermittent fasting is NOT restricted eating, you are free to eat throughout the designated “feeding” periods.

However, it’s crucial to keep in mind those individuals who are underweight, or malnourished, struggling with an eating disorder, or having trouble controlling their blood sugar levels should stay away from intermittent fasting.

  1. Deal with dietary deficits

Nutritional deficits can enhance mental function and boost brain health. B vitamins (B6, B9, B12), magnesium, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids are very important for growth. One should add this to their regular diet.

  1. Physical Activity:

Lack of physical activity leads to the development of health issues, so one must perform some sort of exercise like jogging, yoga, meditation, gym, or any workout which boosts brain growth. Apart from that, it reduces brain cell aging by increasing the production of new brain cells. Also, activity ensures that the nutrients reach the brain on time.