Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur, while reviewing the Covid-19 situation of Shimla district at Peterhoff here today, directed the district administration and health department to increase bed capacity in the district so that there was no dearth of beds for the Covid-19 patients in case there was sharp surge in Covid-19 cases in the district.
Chief Minister said that all the people visiting the district from other parts of the country should intimate the concerned authorities through online portal. He said that as soon as the person arrives home from other parts of the country, information regarding his arrival must immediately be passed on to the ASHA workers and health workers of the respective area so that home quarantine mechanism must be effectively followed.
Jai Ram Thakur said that efforts must be laid on increasing the bed capacity in the district. He said that the about 300 additional bed capacity would be created in new OPD of IGMC in a phased manner, 50 bedded additional capacity in Ayurvedic Hospital Chotta Shimla, 50 bed additional facility in Civil Hospital Junga, 100 bedded additional capacity in Tutikandi Parking. He said that efforts must also be made to increase bed capacity in Civil Hospitals at Rohru, Khanari and Theog. He said that efforts must also be made to create atleast 200 bedded pre-fabricated additional capacity in and around Shimla town to meet out any eventuality. He said that matter regarding allowing use of Army Hospital at Shimla would also be taken with the Army authorities so that the bed capacity could be enhanced further.
Chief Minister said that effective mechanism must be developed to reduce the gap between the first and second dose of vaccine. He said that a special drive must be launched particularly to administer second dose of vaccine to the health workers and frontline workers. He said that general public must also be motivated to voluntarily come forward for vaccination. He said that general public should also be motivated for Covid-19 appropriate behaviour.
Jai Ram Thakur said that the people should also be motivated to go for a simple marriage with a limited gathering. He said that time must also be specified for the marriages while granting approval for organising marriages so that the function does not go on for whole day. He said that local elected bodies must also be involved to check that the people strictly adhere to the SoPs and guidelines issued by the State Government regarding social gatherings. He said that people returning from other States must be persuaded to remain in home quarantine and also get them tested for Covid-19.
Chief Minister said that there was no dearth of oxygen, equipments and medicines in the State. He said that the State Government has also taken up the matter of establishing oxygen plants at Rohru and Rampur Hospitals so as to facilitate the people of the area. He said that steps must also be taken for effective monitoring and strengthening of home isolation mechanism. He said that elected representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions should keep an eye on the people visiting from other parts of the country in their respective area and also motivate them to remain in home isolation and go for RT-PCR tests.
Urban Development Minister Suresh Bhardwaj thanked the Chief Minister for reviewing the Covid-19 situation of the Shimla district. He also felt the need for increasing the number of vaccination centres in the district as this would lower the overcrowding in the hospitals. He urged the Chief Minister for sanctioning of new gas plants for Rohru and Rampur Hospitals as this would lessen the rush in main hospitals. .
Deputy Commissioner Shimla Aditya Negi while welcoming the Chief Minister and other dignitaries in the meeting said that the total number of active cases in the district were 1648 and the recovery rate of the district was 86.1 per percent. He said that 165029 samples had been taken in the district upto 26 April, 2021. He also made a presentation of damages to the crops due to untimely snowfall, rains and hailstorm in Shimla district.
Health Minister Dr. Rajiv Saizal, Mayor Shimla Municipal Corporation Satya Kaundal, Deputy Mayor Shalinder Chauhan, Secretary Health Amitabh Awasthi, Commissioner Shimla Municipal Corporation Ashish Kohli, Superintendent of Police Dr. Monika, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Surekha Chopra, Senior Medical Superintendent IGMC Dr. Janak Raj, Medical Superintendent Deendayal Upadhaya Hospital Dr. Ravinder Mokta, SDMs of all the sub divisions of the district attended the meeting, whereas all the BDOs and Chairpersons of Nagar Panchayats and Nagar Parishads joined the meeting virtually and shared their views.