Ayurveda proposes a collection of herbs that might help boost immunity, lower high fevers, and relieve accompanying symptoms like weariness, body aches, and a drop in platelet count.
Guduchi: Tinospora cordifolia, often known as the common Giloy, is a superb ayurvedic herb for reducing Vata and Pitta, the main underlying causes of dengue fever. Guduchi aids in the treatment and prevention of dengue infected people.
The danger of vector-borne infections increases during the rainy season, and dengue cases frequently peak between July and November. The month of July has already seen an increase in instances of this fatal mosquito-borne disease due to the widespread heavy rains across the nation.
Given that Ayurveda has a strong emphasis on prevention and holistic wellness, it contains several medicines that can boost immunity and balance doshas to protect from malaria.
Dengue cures from Ayurveda
Neem, Kalamegha, Haridra, and Ushira can all be used in herbal fumigation to ward off dengue. These aid in producing a perfectly impartial environment that prevents the virus from spreading and deters mosquitoes. As these gases activate immunity, through inhalation of them is also a passive means of prophylaxis.
Shadanga Paniya: The ancient literature Sahasrayogam recommends the use of Shadanga paniya or Pathyashadangam, a mixture of seven herbs, including Pathya, Aksha, Amla, Kalamegha, Turmeric, and Neem, in this Ayurvedic treatment plan for fever. To alleviate a fever, mix 30 ml of Pathyashadangam Kwath with 200 ml of previously heated water.
A doctor advises that in addition to these therapies, one should take safety measures like:
Fresh water storage methods and proper solid waste disposal
Drinking boiling water
Covering the containers with a lid
Eliminating stagnant water from pots and balconies to stop the breeding of mosquitoes
Using a mosquito net while asleep
Advice for a speedy recovery
Getting enough rest is the best suggestion for those who are healing from dengue. During the recovery process after dengue, diet is crucial. It’s common advice for people to consume small, frequent meals. It is advisable to drink more water. Drink coconut water, and increase your intake of fruits. While you are healing, stay away from spicy and fried foods. Supplement with multivitamins to increase your energy levels and fortify your immune system.