DLSA Udhampur hosts webinar to mark International Bio Diversity Day

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UDHAMPUR, MAY-22, 2021: A Webinar on “Conserve & Celebrate Biodiversity” was organized today by District Legal Services Authority Udhampur to mark the world Bio diversity day   .
The Webinar was organized under the guidance of Secretary DLSA , (Sub Judge) Rajni Sharma.
Ritu Sharma, senior member of DLSA , welcomed the panelists and participants and emphasized about the relevance of celebration of World Environment Day.
Beside Panel Lawyer, Advocate Pawan Gupta, experts from different fields of biodiversity were the panelists. They  deliberated on various aspects of biodiversity which was attended by  large number of participants  including Bar members .
Advocate Pawan Gupta, the resource person, said that the United Nations has proclaimed May 22 as the International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues and  the theme for this year  is “We’re part of the solution”.
From nature-based solutions to climate, health issues, food and water security, and sustainable livelihoods, biodiversity is the foundation upon which we can build back better, he added.
He added that UNO celebrates the International Day for Biological Diversity by examining the fundamental role of nature in ensuring human health and good nutrition. Biodiversity is part of us, as we humans are part of nature, “The truth is that without healthy nature and biodiversity, we cannot have quality nutrition, and without quality nutrition we cannot have good health. He added that main objective of day is to take positive environmental action, protect nature and the planet Earth. He added that biodiversity has been constantly under attack. Wetlands, mangroves and hills are being destroyed under the garb of urban and infrastructure development. Nature has been giving us warning signals, yet we have been ignoring it. It is high time for the people to wake up, stand up and speak up for Nature.
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