DPC Bla approves District Plan of Rs 1106.96 Cr for 2021-22


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PRIs have instrumental role in development: MP Akbar Lone
Will explore every possibility for productive utilization of resources: DDC Chairperson Safeena Beigh
BARAMULLA, JUNE 04, 2021: To approve the district plan of Baramulla for the year 2021-22, District Planning Committee (DPC) was today convened and jointly chaired by Member parliament Mohammad Akbar Lone and District Development Council Chairperson Safeena Beigh.
The meeting, which was convened virtually, approved the district plan of Rs 1106.96 Crore for the year 2021-22 which comprised Rs 12.63 Cr under regular component, Rs 38.13 Cr under the loan component and Rs 945.98 Cr under CSS. Moreover, the breakup of the area development is Rs 10 Cr as DDC Grant, Rs 6.5 Cr as BDC Grant and Rs 93.66 Cr as the grant of PRIs at Panchayat level.
During the meeting, DC Baramulla highlighted various aspects associated with the plan and underlined the importance of such a plan for the holistic development of the district. He lauded the role of DDCs, BDCs and PRIs while formulating the plan and said that active participation of these stakeholders made it so.
Highlighting the role of PRIs, Member Parliament said that they have an instrumental role in the overall socio-economic development of the society. He urged upon all the concerned stakeholders to show their active participation for realizing the vision of democratic decentralization. He also directed to identify loopholes and bottlenecks, if any so that they are sorted out in a time bound manner.
Safeena Beigh, while expressing gratitude to the district administration, said that every possibility shall be explored to ensure the productive and effective utilization of resources. She added that PRIs shall work in coordination and cohesion with the functionaries of district administration so as to develop the district on various fronts.
DDCs, Presidents of Municipal Councils/Committees, ACD, district and sectoral officers among other concerned functionaries participated in the meeting.