Tips and tricks to get rid of acid reflux at home

क्षमा करें, यह समाचार आपके अनुरोध की भाषा में उपलब्ध नहीं है। कृपया यहाँ देखें।

Are you sick and tired of having acid reflux pain? You need look no farther than the Ayurvedic system of knowledge. The gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), sometimes referred to as acid reflux, is a disorder where stomach acid flows backward into the esophagus. While there are many available treatment alternatives, such as medication, lifestyle and nutritional changes, Ayurveda provides a comprehensive strategy for treating acid reflux. The goals of an Ayurvedic diet for acid reflux are to nourish the body, relieve digestive discomfort, and balance the vata, pitta, and kapha doshas.

Ayurvedic Diet to Treat Acid Reflux

Some guidelines and dietary suggestions to take into account for stomach discomforts.

1. General recommendations:

• Chew your food fully while eating meals in a peaceful and relaxed environment.
• Refrain from overeating and eating too quickly because they can strain the digestive system.
• Create a regular eating schedule with set mealtimes.
• Acid reflux can result from consuming too many hot and fatty foods.
• Acid reflux might result from skipping meals.
• Steer clear of eating large meals late at night.

2. Recommendations for diet:

• Choose a plant-based diet with a focus on fresh, healthy foods.
• Warm, prepared foods are preferable over cold, raw ones since they are easier to digest.
• Include a range of grains, such as barley, quinoa, and basmati rice.
• Consume ghee (clarified butter), coconut oil, and olive oil in moderation as healthy fats.
• Include proteins that are simple to digest, such as tofu, lentils, and mung beans.
• Use digestive-friendly spices in your cooking, such as fenugreek, turmeric, ginger, and coriander.
• Eat less or stay away from spicy, fried, and processed meals because these might make acid reflux symptoms worse.
• For individuals who don’t have lactose sensitivity, milk can be a great solution.
• Limit your intake of acidic foods like tomatoes and citrus fruits as well as coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks, and caffeine.
• Drink warm water to stay hydrated throughout the day, but refrain from doing so while you’re hungry.

3. Ayurveda cures:

• Aloe vera juice: To calm the digestive tract, sip a small amount of pure aloe vera juice before meals.
• Licorice tea: Drink some licorice tea; it may help lessen esophageal inflammation.
Enjoy a cup of chamomile tea, which is well-known for its calming and soothing effects.

4. Lifestyle and eating practices:

• Avoid lying down right after eating. Before lying down or going to sleep, give yourself at least two to three hours.
• Engage in stress-reduction practices such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises.
• Exercise frequently to support a healthy digestive system.
• Take into account adding Ayurvedic techniques like digestion-enhancing yoga positions and self-massage (abhyanga).

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