Yoga or Gym? What should women do? 

क्षमा करें, यह समाचार आपके अनुरोध की भाषा में उपलब्ध नहीं है। कृपया यहाँ देखें।


Yoga and gym both are liked by the youth, including women but from the last few years, yoga has been gaining more popularity due to positive results on mental health and physical health.

Many people chose yoga rather than the gym as they say yoga practices offer flexibility, strengthening, and toning. Yoga not only gives you muscles but also raises your consciousness.

It takes care of your mind and body altogether and boosts the energy levels of every cell of your body.

Sometimes the gym becomes stressful whereas yoga relieves stress from the body, which results in motivation to perform the exercise every day. A person feels revitalized and energized after performing yoga.

On the other hand, at the gym, your body drains. Yoga does not make you hungrier; instead, it regulates the body for optimum intake. Yoga acts on the body, mind, and intellectual well-being which help the women to work the whole day.

Yoga makes you believe that you are beautiful with your skills and negative points. Yoga is not all about improvement in the body or getting a figure, it’s about self-acceptance. Doing gym somewhere creates a complex of copying someone’s personality or trying to look more beautiful. Even sometimes it makes you feel like a failure if you can’t do something.

Some muscles of women are more sensitive than males so while doing gym exercises and workouts filled with weights can cause your muscles to bulk up.

In yoga we do not have to deal with grunting, dropping weights, and clenched teeth. Yoga gives you a chance to clear the stresses of the day. With meditation, stressful situations can be dealt with more easily and you get the solutions.

Yoga majorly focuses on the breath, the posture, and the gaze and there are no outside distractions. Whereas in the gym loud music, hustle and bustle of people moving around make you unfocused from your goals.


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