Tips and Tricks to treat pregnant women infected with dengue


Dengue is when Flaviviridae, or Genus Flavivirus, stings into the blood and makes you develop the mosquito-borne illness. There are many chaoses among women who are expecting or trying if a pregnant lady gets infected with dengue then what are the complications that come in their way?

Yes, there is a chance that if a pregnant woman contract this illness, the virus can then be transmitted to her fetus or newborn during pregnancy or shortly after delivery.


There are no severe symptoms that a pregnant lady notices. Common signs are diagnosed that is really quite comparable to those of any woman with a disease who is not pregnant.

These symptoms might include anything from a severe fever and body aching to myalgia, joint pain, pain behind the eyes, headache, etc. Additionally, pregnant ladies can go through vomiting, sore throat, rash, vomiting, and flushed skin which is very common as it happens in the first trimester.

Experts say, that if left untreated or focused it can lead to severe. Few people may develop complex, acute viral symptoms, although the vast majority of people settle down and do not progress to problems.

The critical phase of dengue is characterized by substantial fluid accumulation, bleeding manifestations, or vital organ participation. It is crucial to detect the warning symptoms now because it is possible that they will develop more issues throughout this phase. Additionally, they might experience low blood pressure, liver failure, multiple sites of bleeding, and cerebral dysfunction.

Some individuals present with chilly extremities, irrelevant speech, increasing tiredness, recurrent vomiting, and abdominal pain. They may also have cold extremities. That although the disease can pass from the mother to the fetus during pregnancy or childbirth, there could be no negative effects on the foetus.

If the mother is discovered to be infected with dengue while giving birth, some studies suggest that this very rarely results in low birth weight and preterm birth of the child.


If came back positive for dengue, infected pregnant women must seek medical advice. The pregnancy and the health of the foetus may be affected if the condition is detected too late during a crucial stage. Early viral detection and prompt medical assistance can stop all negative effects and protect the mother and kid.


Treatment and results are still the same as for women who are not pregnant. Few characteristics of dengue may overlap with clinical or laboratory characteristics of other well-known illnesses during pregnancy.

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