SAS Nagar, July 12 2021
Sh Satinder Singh S.S.P through press note has disclosed that P.S Dhakoli got success in arresting the smugglers supplying the intoxicants during the special campaign being conducted against the anti- social elements and drug smugglers.
On 10-07-2021 the police party of P.S Dhakoli during patrolling from the side of Mubarikpur saw 03 young men coming on foot. The Police Party smelt suspicion and apprehending the young men enquired about their names and whereabouts.
One young man told his name Gurminder Singh alias Deep S/o Dalip Singh R/O…
[3:05 pm, 12/07/2021] Ruchi Kalra Dpro Mhl: District Information and Public Relations Office, SAS Nagar
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