The British gave one amazing gift to India before they left- the knowledge of the English language. Today, this language has become a part of our lives. Even all the office work is done in English. However, it is not our mother tongue and that is why we make plenty of mistakes in it. However, there is always a way to improve if you wish to. English is somewhat confusing because plenty of words are spelled and spoken different.
During the pandemic everybody has a lot of free time as we can not move out given the vast spread of the virus. Thus, don’t worry. You can enhance your English skills while sitting at home. The spelling checkers available today are not very reliable as they can have faults in them. So the best thing to do is to rely on yourself and improve your vocabulary. In our phone we usually use auto correct but in real life this is unlikely and you could make mistakes while you are writing some complicated words down. So here is a list to help you out.
S.No. Right Word Wrong Word
1. Accommodate Acommodate
2. Separate Seperete
3. Necessary Necessery
4. Cemetery Cemetary
5. Definite Definate
6. Calendar Calender
7. Argument Arguement
8. Pronunciation Pronounciation
9. Millennium Millenium
10. Fluorescent Floroscent