Ayurvedic Medicine For Women’s Health

ਮਾਫ਼ ਕਰਨਾ, ਇਹ ਖਬਰ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਬੇਨਤੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਉਪਲਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਇੱਥੇ ਦੇਖੋ।

Monthly cycle, menopause, corpulence, sporadic periods, skin break out, iron deficiency are a portion of the issues that are regularly looked by ladies. Here are some characteristic cures and ayurvedic spices that can help forestall and control these issues.

Agonizing period

During monthly cycle or periods you may encounter loss of craving, sickness, retching, and stoppage. Ladies are prescribed to burn-through combinations that are accessible in stores like Sundari kalp strong point which helps female conceptive organs and cleans the blood. Ashokarishta is another ayurvedic tonic for substantial draining and irritation.

Pre menstruation torment

Have a lot of fluids in your eating regimen – water, soups or new squeezes. In any case, stay away from liquor and smoking. Settle on adjusted eating regimen yet stay away from handled food and cheap food. Clean up. Keep up sound solid discharge.


To forestall and diminish heaps, it is prescribed to flush out the digestive tract, drink water and exercise. Stay away from blockage with a rich fiber diet.

Greying hair

As indicated by ayurveda, outrage, warm showers, colds and sinus issues are a portion of the purposes behind turning gray hair. You can attempt Mahabhringaraj oil, an ayurvedic medication for turning gray hair. De-stress from your concerns and nerves. Scrub down as well. Fix your cold and sinus


Now of your life, it is imperative to have calcium rich food to keep away from osteoporosis, practice every day and have a reasonable eating regimen. You can likewise rehearse yoga practices like pranayama and sarbangasana.


Guggulu or Commiphora mukul and Punarnava or Boerhaavia diffusa are two spices that can assist you with lessening weight. Yet, it is likewise imperative to practice and follow the correct eating regimen to forestall heftiness or diminish weight.

Skin break out

Skin break out will in general scar the facial skin, yet you can battle skin break out with cinnamom, sandalwood, turmeric, neem and giloy or Tinospora cordifolia.


Arth besides, is an ayurvedic medication for against aggravation and spasms. Other than cramps it can forestall joint torment, spinal pain, injuries and joint inflammation. Rumarhto Gold is another ayurveda treatment for spasms and body torment. Stay away from food varieties that irritate cramps like heartbeats. Outrage, stress, absence of rest and absence of water can invigorate cramps. Don’t over practice and go for normal back rubs. Keep away from sharp food as well.


Weakness is a typical issue for ladies; tragically it is a quiet medical issue. Forestall paleness with amla, aloe vera and Punarnava or Boerhaavia diffusa. Have an eating routine wealthy in iron; burn-through vegetables like spinach, nuts, beetroot, red meat, apples, amla and plum. Absorb the sun too as it builds the creation of red platelets.

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