Easy tips to prevent skin infections in monsoons

ਮਾਫ਼ ਕਰਨਾ, ਇਹ ਖਬਰ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਬੇਨਤੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਉਪਲਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਇੱਥੇ ਦੇਖੋ।

The monsoon is one of the nicest seasons since it is neither too hot nor too cold. However, it also brings a lot of diseases because the humid temperature is ideal for fungi and bacteria to grow and cause skin problems. Monsoon season perspiration irritates the skin and hastens the growth of germs and fungi. Eczema develops as a result of abrupt temperature changes and is brought on by transepidermal water loss. Atopic dermatitis, asthma attacks, and hives can all spike during humid weather. Fungal infections are brought on by excessive moisture retention from socks. Infections such as tinea, popularly known as ringworms, rise when clothing is damp.

Prevention tips for skin infections:       

  • Wear clean, dry clothing, and replace damp socks and underwear after exercising or after getting wet in the rain as prevention measures for skin infections.
  • Wear daily-washed clothing, and take two baths per day. Don’t share soaps and towels at home.

• Put on open-toed shoes that let air in.

• Regularly wash your hands and feet.

• After taking a bath, properly dry and wipe your body. especially in skin folds like those found between the toes, under the arms, and behind the knees.

• Maintain personal cleanliness, paying special attention to undergarments.

• Maintain your dryness. Avoid spending too much time in wet clothing. Keep a raincoat or an umbrella on you at all times, rain or shine.

• One should refrain from sharing clothing and other personal items with others because some skin conditions are communicable.

• Avoid using any over-the-counter topicals once you develop any red, circular patches on your neck, inguinal folds, or any other part of your body before doing any harm or making your situation worse.

• Since going outside is unavoidable, the best we can do is take a bath and immediately dry off, if not completely, ourselves. It will aid in infection prevention.

• To treat allergies, moisturize the skin on areas that are prone to rashes twice or even three times every day. We can lessen the symptoms of allergy if you apply the moisturizer three times to the affected area.

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