SRINAGAR, MAY 07: The Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir Pandurang K Pole, has deployed as many as 100 ESM volunteers for covid duty across Kashmir.
The volunteers have been divided into a team of ten each for each district in the Valley and have also reported to respective District Collectors and employed to augment the District Hospital Manpower and in crowd control.
These Kashmiri heroes have come forward to again serve the AWAAM and the country with utter disregard to their personal comforts. A true testimony to their spirit which says once again on hearing the clarion call the ESM community has volunteered to re-attire themselves as COVID warriors.
Kashmir Division has a total of 8308 Ex-Servicemen(ESM), out of which 1412 ESM have volunteered to come to the rescue of already overburdened civil medical infrastructure and serve the AWAM.