Feroz Khan reviews status of implementation of works under SDP, State Sector Budget and Capex Budget in respect of Youth Services and Sports Sector
KARGIL AUGUST 20, 2020: Chairman and Chief Executive Councillor LAHDC, Kargil Feroz Ahmad Khan reviewed the status of implementation of works approved under SDP, State Sector and Capex Budget in respect of Youth Services and Sports Sector at Council Secretariat here on Wednesday.
The meeting was attended by the District Superintendent Engineer PWD Kargil Er Ved Prakash, Project Officer Wages and Employment (ACD) Kargil Ghulam Muhammad, XEN REW Gulzar Hussain Munshi, XEN SVD Sankoo Shabir Hussain, District Youth Services and Sports Officer Muhammad Hussain Rehnuma, Representative of XEN R&B Division Kargil besides other concerned officers.
Threadbare discussions with regard to the augmentation of sports infrastructure in the district was held during the meeting.
The CEC Kargil stressed officers to lay major focus on the procurement of sports equipments pertaining to winter sports like Ice Hockey, Archery disciplines and other schools related sports equipments.
CEC Khan also underlined the need to develop infrastructure for augmenting sports like Ice Hockey and Archery in the district.
The DYSSO Kargil informed the meeting that ice hockey rinks are being constructed at the sub-divisional levels. In view of the existence of two ice hockey rinks at Drass, the CEC Kargil directed the DYSSO Kargil to develop the existing ice hockey rinks at Drass so as to provide better facilities in the interest of promotion of the sports.
DYSSO Kargil further informed that storage pond for ice hockey rinks stand allotted to Rural Development Department for execution at 15 locations all over the district.
The CEC Kargil directed the ACD Kargil and XEN REW to expedite the execution of works.
Meanwhile, the CEC instructed the concerned agencies to expedite the execution of the ongoing as well as the new works at all sports zones of the district. He further instructed the SE PWD to expedite all the paper works and prepare all DPRs, AAAs besides sorting out the land requirement issues in terms of upcoming projects before the next working season so that on ground works could be initiated on the respective projects by the executing agencies in a smooth and hassle free manner.
CEC Khan also instructed the executing agencies to expedite the preparation of DPRs for development of required sports infrastructure by way of ground leveling, construction of courts, spectators’ staircases and fencing and compound walling and other allied works at all Higher Secondary Schools, High Schools, Middle and Primary Schools identified by the DYSSO Kargil.
The DYSSO Kargil informed that land has been identified for construction of sports stadium at TSG Block. He also requested for providing of state land measuring about 5-6 kanals within Kargil Town for construction of Youth Hostel under SDP within an estimated cost of Rs 3.5 Crores.
The CEC assured the DYSSO Kargil for positive consideration into the matter.
The issue with regard to the renovation and up gradation of the existing Indoor Stadium at Kargil also came up for discussion. It was informed that all the modern facilities would be provided in the multi-storied Indoor stadium to be constructed in place of the old and existing one at an estimated cost of Rs 31.50 crore under SDP to be executed by WAPCOS Ltd.
The CEC instructed the DYSSO Kargil to procure the required sports equipments at the earliest after taking due approval from the Chairman/CEC LAHDC Kargil before inviting e-tenders/procurement via GEM Portal.