From 18 September there are several auspicious days during the Extra Month. In the whole month, the sum of other auspicious activities and splendor are being formed. According to Jyotishacharya Ajay Bhambi, no kind of purchase is forbidden in the greater month. Take care of the documents while purchasing the property. Rest of the purchases are not prohibited. Jewelery, clothing, hardware, and more can be purchased. According to Pt. Manish Sharma, Jyotishacharya of Ujjain, marriages and other auspicious works are done in Extra month. In this month, an agreement can be reached to form a marriage, commitment, any land, house,building and so forth. You can go on any strenuous excursion and other important excursions. It is a very auspicious occasion for any future business deal.
1.Sarvaarthasiddhi Yoga – This yoga fulfils all desires and gives success in every task. It will be on 9 days ofextra month on 26 September and 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 17 October 2020.
2.Dwipushkar Yoga – Dwipushkar Yoga is considered extraordinary in the Sutak period. There is a belief that the result of any work done in this yoga doubles in outcome. On 19 and 27 September, there will be Dwipushkar Yoga.
3.Amritasiddhi Yoga – Astrologers believes in Amritasiddhi Yoga and accept that the work done in this Yoga brings favorable results for a long time. On October 2, 2020, there will be Amrit Siddhi Yoga.
4.Pushya Nakshatra – Pushya Nakshatra is falling ontwo days in a month. Ravi Pushya will be on 10 October and Mon Pushya Nakshatra will be on 11 October. These will be the dates when any important work is possible.
5.Dhruva Sthir Muhurta: Educational related purchaseis a good idea for the Muhurat. 18, 26 September, 7, 15 October and all Sundays, commitment related work and purchase of new clothes or jewellery.
6.Char-Chal Muhurta: 20, 27, 28, 29 September, 10 October and all Mondays of the month are favourable for purchase or booking of vehicles, bicycles and various vehicles.
7.Ugra Krur Muhurta: Booking and purchase weaponsis favourable on 25, 30 September, 5, 13, 14 October and all Tuesdays.
8.Mishra-Sadharan Muhurta: For Mangliks, one should take a chance on 21 September, 6 October and all Wednesdays.
9.Kshipra Laghu Muhurta: Booking should be possible on September 19, 4, 11 October and all Thursdays to buy vehicles.
10.Mridu Maitra Muhurta: New relationships can be formed on 9,22 September, 2,3,8 October. Purchase of new clothes, jewellery, pearls, etc.