Patients suffering from complex spine-related problems treated successfully through Neuro-navigation at Fortis Mohali

ਮਾਫ਼ ਕਰਨਾ, ਇਹ ਖਬਰ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਬੇਨਤੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਉਪਲਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਇੱਥੇ ਦੇਖੋ।

-Fortis Mohali organises Neuro Surgery OPD in Hamirpur on the first Saturday of every month; Neuro-navigation surgerygives relief from lower back pain; patient can walk 24 hours after surgery —


Hamirpur, July 6, 2022: A 54-year-old woman from Hamirpur was facing a challenging time as she had been suffering from acute pain in her lower back and had an unsteady gait. The pain radiated down to both her legs and affected her mobility. Simple daily activities such as walking had become cumbersome as her health condition aggravated over time.The Patienttried different modes of treatment to relieve her pain, but her symptoms continued to persist.

The Patientrecently approached Dr (Lt Col) Harmandeep Singh Brar, Associate Consultant, Neuro Surgery, Fortis Hospital Mohali, during a Neuro Surgery OPD organised by Fortis Mohali in Hamirpur.

The Neuro Surgery OPD is held at Aastha Multi-speciality Hospital in collaboration with Fortis Mohali on the first Saturday of every month at Hamirpur.

Upon examination, the Patient exhibited symptoms such as difficulty in standing, walking, bending down etc.After thorough examination and investigation, Dr Braradvised the Patient to undergo a Lumbar Spine Fixation and Decompression Surgery.

Lumbar Spine Fixationcan offer relief from lower back pain.The procedureinvolves insertion of bone graft material and other devices such as screws, spinal wires, artificial ligaments, vertebral cages, and artificial discs to provide support to the backbone.Decompression Surgeryalso relieves pain as compressed nerves in the lower (lumbar) spine are treated.

The team of doctors led by Dr Brar operated on the Patientthrough the latest technology of Neuro-navigationon 12th May this year.Neuro-navigation is a computer-assisted surgery that allows a surgeon to ‘navigate’ within the spinal column with precision.

Following good rehabilitation at Fortis Mohalithe Patient had a smooth recovery and was discharged on the 4th day of the surgery.She has fully recovered and isleading a normal life today.

52-year-old woman from Hamirpur had acute pain in the nape of her neckwhich caused numbness in her left arm.She approached Dr Brar at Neuro Surgery OPD, where shewas diagnosed withCervicalDisc Problem orCervical Spondylosis, which is caused due to wear and tear of the cervical disc.The Patientunderwent a Cervical Spine Surgeryon 30th May this year,wherein her damaged disc was removed and an artificial disc (PEEK cage)was placed in the space between the vertebrae.An artificial discis used to replace a damaged spinal disc and helps two vertebrae to fuse together. She was discharged four days after the surgery.

Post-surgery, the Patient has recovered completely and has resumed her normal routine.

Stressing on early diagnosis of spine-related problems, Dr Brar, said, “Lumbar Spine surgeries are safe and provide relief from symptoms. With neuro-navigation, a patient has shorter stay in the hospital and is able to walk 24 hours after the procedure.A patient is not necessarily bed-ridden and discharged from the hospital early. Spinal trauma and spinal cord tumours can be successfully treated through neuro-navigation.”


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