Pre-fab shelters in Sector- 52& 56 to EWS flats at Maloya-I

ਮਾਫ਼ ਕਰਨਾ, ਇਹ ਖਬਰ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਬੇਨਤੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਉਪਲਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਇੱਥੇ ਦੇਖੋ।

Chandigarh, 10 December, 2020:
The Chandigarh Administration has decided to re-locate the residents of Pre-fab shelters in Sector- 52& 56 to EWS flats at Maloya-I. The project is being implemented under the Affordable Rental Housing Complexes (ARHCs) Scheme of the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Govt of India.

2. The fourth & last computerized draw for allotments to the eligible applicants of Pre-Fab Shelters for 487 flats was held Today at 11.00 am. There were 14 applicants who have submitted copy of the disability certificates and these have been allotted flats at ground floor. The draw was held in utmost fair & transparent manner and was supervised by Shri Vinod Kavle, IAS, Secretary, UT Administration Chandigarh. To follow the COVID related protocol, the following special arrangements were made:
Live telecast of the draw was streamed on YOU TUBE
The draw was streamed live at the site of Pre-Fab Shelters through a display van.
Immediately after the draw, result has been uploaded on the website of the CHB. A copy of the result has also been displayed at the Pre-Fab shelters site.

3. Allotment letters and Possession Slips to the successful applicants will be issued on Monday i.e. 14.12.2020 at the CHB premises as per the following schedule. Both Husband and wife are required to come for specimen signature on the Possession Slip. They must bring original receipt of Rs. 4000/- and original Aadhaar Card for receiving the Allotment Letter& Possession Slip.

4. Physical possession of the flats at Maloya will be handed over from Wednesday i.e. 16th December2020 in staggered manner to avoid rush and to ensure compliance of the social distancing norms. The allottees are required to bring original allotment letter, Possession Slips and Aadhaar Card/ID Proof. The physical possession will be handed from the Possession Offices at Maloya, as per the following schedule:

5.The water and electricity connections at Maloya-I will be released on the day of physical possession itself. After taking over physical possession of the flat at Maloya-I, the shifting to be completed within 03 days.

6. So far total 1703 allotments have been made through the four computerized draws and hence all the eligible applicants have been allotted flats under the Affordable Rental Housing Scheme as per the survey list of Pre-Fab Shelters which was finalized after inviting objections & suggestions and uploaded on the CHB website.

7. During the visit of Shri Manoj Parida, Adviser to Administrator-cum-Chairman, CHB on 03.12.2020 at the site of Pre-Fab Shelters in Sector-52 & 56, some of the persons claimed that they were the genuine occupants of the Pre-Fab Shelters but as were away and hence could not be included in the survey list. It was clarified to them that the survey went on many days and thereafter Public Notice was also issued inviting objection & suggestions against the survey list. After deciding all the claims & objections, the survey list was finalized and uploaded on the website of CHB. The Worthy Adviser decided that the process of relocation to be completed on the basis of the finalized survey list. Thereafter, the requests that have been received after the prescribed period of claim & objections may be considered by the Committee of officers. Accordingly, these requests are being considered and if some of them are found to be eligible, another computerized draw will be conducted for allotment of flats to such persons under the Affordable Rental Housing Scheme. Here it is clarified that this will not affect the ongoing process of relocation and demolition of the Pre-Fab Shelters.

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