Chandigarh, June 28:
Sharing more details in this regard a spokesperson of the Food and Supplies Department said that the Department is presently working on war footing to obtain bank account numbers of those eligible beneficiaries whose data is not available in the department’s ration card database so as to release the said dues. Besides this, wrong or incomplete bank account numbers are also being rectified so that eligible beneficiaries can easily get DBT benefits, said the spokesperson.
He said that after completion of the said work at the earliest, DBT of mustard oil would be deposited in the accounts of the beneficiaries in about two months.
Sharing further details regarding the distribution of salt, the beneficiaries are informed that due to the lockdown, the supplier could not arrange the packing of one kilogram of salt in the month of June, due to which the salt could not be distributed in the month of June 2021.
However, now one kilogram of packing has been arranged and the distribution of salt will be done smoothly in the month of July.
It is also clarified here that no subsidy is provided by the government on salt as the salt is bought in bulk by the government and distributed to the beneficiaries at cheap prices said the spokesperson.