Chandigarh, May 17: Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal, on Monday, inaugurated the Integrated Command and Response Control Centre (ICRCC) at Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority’s office at Sector-44. The said Centre has been inaugurated to make necessary and required arrangements to control the COVID-19 Pandemic as through this Centre COVID-19 patients would be ensured care through various means.
The patients can contact the District Administration through Whatsapp Chatbot (9643277788), COVID helpline number-1950. They can even contact the Administration on the state government’s web portal.
After launching the ICRCC, the Chief Minister reviewed the facilities in this Centre. During this time, he also reviewed the present COVID-19 cases status in Haryana and also directed the officers concerned to make concerted efforts to provide relief to all the infected patients.
Chief Executive Officer, Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority, Gurugram, Sh. Sudhir Rajpal apprised the Chief Minister that through ICRCC, the number of COVID patients would be analyzed. An analysis would be made as to how many patients are there in an area that comes under Primary Health Centre and even further analysis would be done as in which house, how many COVID patients are there. Later all this information can be obtained from the Centre’s dashboard.
He further informed that the Chief Minister himself and Senior Officers who are monitoring the facilities being provided for treatment of COVID-19 patients etc. can also view the data from anywhere through this dashboard.
All agencies engaged in relief operations will be linked with this Centre. By visiting the dashboard, the patient or his attendants will be able to get information about the availability of beds in hospitals and vaccination centres etc, he added.
Recently, the State Government had announced to provide financial assistance to the people of the State and poor families battling from COVID-19 and now this scheme has been integrated with the GMDA portal. To take advantage of the scheme, every hospital has to update the information about the beds, admissions and discharged patients available here daily on, apprised Sh. Sudhir Rajpal.
Further, the hospitals are also required to update the information regarding the date of admission and discharge of BPL and non-BPL and patients from outside Haryana, he added.
MLA Gurugram, Sh. Sudhir Singla, MLA, Sohna, Sh. Sanjay Singh, Mayor Smt. Madhu Azad, Adviser, CM, Sh. Anil Rao, Deputy Commissioner Dr. Yash Garg, ADGP CID, Sh. Alok Mittal, Police Commissioner, Sh. K.K Rao, Joint Police of Commissioner, Sh. Kulvinder Singh and others also present.