State Nodal Officer appointed for coordination with central agencies and foreign imported material

केंद्रीय एजेंसियों से समन्वय एवं विदेशी आयातित सामग्री के लिए राज्य नोडल अधिकारी नियुक्त

State Nodal Officer appointed for coordination with central agencies and foreign imported material

Bhopal : Thursday, May 6, 2021

Managing Director, State Industrial Development Corporation, John Kingsley, has been appointed as the Nodal Officer by the State Government for all goods imported from abroad and activities related to prevention and treatment of Covid-19. The State Nodal Officer will coordinate with the concerned departments and agencies of the Central Government to make medicines, equipment and other materials imported from abroad related to Covid-19 available in the state. This decision has been taken by the state government in the recent sequence of the exemption given by the central government in the import rules in respect of Covid-19 relief material. New provisions have been introduced relaxing the import rules for medicines, equipment and other materials coming from abroad required for the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.

The Central Government has also given necessary powers to the State Nodal Officer appointed by the State Government in the import rules for Covid-19 material. The State Nodal Officer will coordinate with the concerned departments, agencies of the Central Government and ensure that the material coming from abroad is received by the state without any delay. This material includes oxygen cylinders, oxygen concentrators, oxygen tanks, oxygen production equipment, other equipment, medicines and other materials.

Keeping in view the increasing number of Corona infections in the state in the past, adequate availability of all essential medicines, oxygen and other equipment is being ensured for the prevention and treatment of the Corona epidemic. The state government is trying to make the healthcare infrastructure strong and fully safeguarding the health of the common people in this difficult situation of Corona epidemic. All possible measures are being taken by the State Government to ensure the availability of medicines, devices and other materials imported from abroad without delay in the State by appointing the State Nodal Officer in sequence of relaxation in the import rules by the Central Government.

The State Nodal Officer Kingsley will work under the guidance of Health Commissioner Akash Tripathi.