Chandigarh, May 25: Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal has said that the State is alert in view of the possibility of the third wave of COVID-19 pandemic. Keeping this in mind, work is being done to increase children’s wards. The Chief Minister said this while taking part in a programme virtually.
The Chief Minister said that during the second wave of the pandemic in the state, there were some problems that have been overcome. Now there is adequate arrangement of beds and oxygen in the state. The number of active COVID-19 patients in the state is also continuously decreasing. Along with this, the number of new cases are also reducing every day. The number of new cases which had gone up to 16,000 per day has come down to about 3500 per day. The Chief Minister said that he hoped that the crises will be overcome soon. He said that the State is fully prepared in view of other post-covid effects like black fungus, respiratory disease, lung disease, etc.
He said that in view of the possibility of a third wave, it is being anticipated that COVID-19 will impact children, in view of that, Haryana Government is fully alert. Children’s wards and necessary arrangements are being made for this. Arrangements are being enhanced in CHC, as well as work is being done to ensure availability of doctors.
He said that the situation which existed15 days ago is no longer prevalent. There was opposition to vaccination and testing in some villages, but now there is increasing awareness among the people and people have realized that vaccination and testing are necessary. He said that 60,000 to 70,000 vaccines are being administered daily under the vaccination campaign in Haryana. He said that those who do not adhere to the lockdown are only doing politics. The lockdown has been imposed in the public interest only.
Positive support from opposition welcomed: Sh. Manohar Lal
Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal said that the opposition parties indulging in politics at such a time even in this time of crisis. He said that if the opposition is ready to extend positive support to defeat this pandemic with an open mind, they are welcome. It is time to fight the pandemic together and not indulge in petty politics. He said that the opposition should cooperate positively instead of creating an atmosphere of fear.
Appeal to farmers to end the movement
Appealing to the agitating farmers, the Chief Minister said that it is time to fight together and not to protest only for political reasons. He also urged the farmers’ leaders to end the movement and called for their vaccination and testing. At the same time, it is not right to distrust health services. Politics should not be included in everything. The movement can still be carried on after the end of the pandemic, he added.