Better implementation of Deendayal Antyodaya Rasoi Yojana must due to Covid-19 – Minister Bhupendra Singh

कोविड-19 के चलते करें दीनदयाल अंत्योदय रसोई योजना का बेहतर संचालन - मंत्री भूपेन्द्र सिंह

Better implementation of Deendayal Antyodaya Rasoi Yojana must due to Covid-19 – Minister Bhupendra Singh

Bhopal : Thursday, May 13, 2021

Urban Development and Housing Minister Bhupendra Singh has directed all the Municipal Commissioners and Chief Municipal Officers to implement the Deendayal Antyodaya Rasoi Yojana in a much better manner due to the Covid-19 infection. As many as 100 Deendayal Rasoi Kendras are being operated at various places in the state. Shri Singh has said that although the Rasoi Kendras are working satisfactorily, but under the present circumstances they need to be further strengthened.

Singh said that due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the district administration has imposed Corona curfew in the cities. This has adversely affected the livelihood of poor families, who depend on daily wages and are roadside vendors. Therefore, the utility of Rasoi Kendras has increased even more. He said that Deendayal Rasoi Kendras should continue to be operated. This system should be strengthened further. Arrangements should be made to provide food to poor families who have difficulty in arranging food, at affordable rates fixed by the district level committees. In the present situation, the bodies may consider providing packets of cooked food along with packets of dry ration.

To enable increased public participation in Deendayal Rasoi Yojana, a system of online donation has also been started on the portal of the scheme. By publicizing it, support can be sought from common citizens, social institutions and corporate organizations. Grants are also provided by the state government for running the centers. Details of food packets / dry ration packets being distributed in this way and details of cooperation received should also be registered on the portal of Deendayal Rasoi Kendra regularly.