Urban bodies excel in ODF++ – 2.5 times more bodies become ODF++ compared to previous year

नगरीय निकायों ने ओडीएफ में मारी छलांग-गत वर्ष की तुलना में 2.5 गुना अधिक निकाय हुये ओडीएफ++

Urban bodies excel in ODF++ – 2.5 times more bodies become ODF++ compared to previous year

Bhopal : Friday, May 7, 2021

As many as 248 urban bodies of the state have acquired certification from ODF++ to ODF++, fulfilling the norms of the Government of India, while being relieved of the problem of open defecation. While last year, out of 378 bodies of Madhya Pradesh, 108 bodies were successful in obtaining ODF++ certification, this year 248 urban bodies have obtained ODF++ certification. In addition, 71 bodies have been successful in obtaining ODF++ certificate. According to the data, about 2.5 times more bodies passed the rigorous ODF++ examination as compared to previous year.

Criteria for ODF Double Plus Certification

  • Sludge / sewage discharged from septic tank should be treated with fecal sludge treatment plant, sewerage treatment plant or deep row entrench.

  • 25 percent septic tanks in the body should be geo tagged.

  • All public toilets have standard facilities.

  • Sludge/human waste from one-third of the total septic tanks in the city are being emptied annually.

  • Toilets should be provided in 100 percent of the households.

  • No defecation or urine has been found in the open

  • At least 25 percent of public / community, stand alone urinals in the city should be rated as ‘aspirational’.

  • Regular inspection of all septic tanks.

  • The body has bylaws.

  • There is adequate availability of manpower and desludging vehicles.

Urban Development and Housing Minister Shri Bhupendra Singh has said that one of our topmost priorities is keeping public / community toilets clean. In this direction, the bodies have made an effective contribution in maintaining sustainability by working relentlessly. Consequently, more than 248 cities have been successful in ODF++ certification. We are confident that more than 300 urban bodies will be able to get ODF++ certification when all the results of all the bodies are out. He appreciated the leadership of the Chief Municipal Officers / Commissioners of Municipal Corporations and the hard work of the sanitation workers for achieving the results in the field of cleanliness.

ODF++ norms are extremely difficult, under which 25 percent of the total available public / community toilets in the body should be of excellent standards. Thee bodies must mandatorily have continuous water supply, arrangement of lighting, sanitary napkins and incinerators etc. The remaining toilets must essentially have basic facilities.

Due to the efforts made at the state level, 248 bodies under the ODF++ component of Swachh Survekshan-2021 have obtained the certificate of ODF++, followiing which the bodies will score 500 marks in the survey. The process of authentication of ODF++ is extremely complex. In this, each toilet and facilities available in it are assessed by a team appointed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India. The team along sends information to the Government of India along with geo-tagged photographs wih its recommendation along with a feedback from the public. Under any circumstance, the certification is revoked if there is any shortcoming or if there is open defecation.