Chandigarh, May 21 – Haryana Health and Home Minister, Sh. Anil Vij has directed the concerned authorities to constitute a committee of three senior-level officers to re-examine the allegations of over-charging levied on patients by Paras Hospital in Panchkula.
A few days ago, Haryana Vidhan Sabha Speaker, Sh. Gian Chand Gupta had given a written complaint to the Home Minister in which he said that the Hospital was accused of overcharging three patients. A committee was constituted at the District level to investigate these allegations, which submitted its report. This investigation report has revealed some irregularities being committed by the Hospital.
Sharing the names of members of this Committee, Sh. Vij said that Director General of Medical Education and Research Department, Dr. Shaleen, Additional Director General of Health Department, Dr. VK Bansal and a Senior Accounts Officer of Accounts Department will be in the Committee to conduct further investigation in this regard. This Committee will seriously examine all the facts and submit the report within a week.