Police officers will also hold Janta Darbar- Anil Vij

Janta Darbar will be held from 11.00 am to 12.00 am to hear and redress the grievances of the general public on all working days- Anil Vij

Chandigarh, Aug 16- Haryana Home Minister, Sh. Anil Vij today issued directions to various police officers of the State to hear and redress the grievances of the public on all working days from 11.00 am to 12.00 noon. Apart from this, he has also issued orders to the higher officials to ensure the movement of trucks and heavy vehicles in the earmark lanes on the roads.

The home minister through a written order today, directed all the Commissioners of Police, IG Ranges, all Superintendents of Police and all Deputy Commissioners of Police of the State to  organize Janata Darbar in their respective working areas so that the grievances of the people can be redressed within the stipulated time period.

Similarly, he has also issued written orders to the concerned higher officials to ensure the movement of trucks and heavy vehicles in earmark lanes on the roads. For compliance of these orders, Commissioners of Police, IG Ranges, IG Traffic, Superintendents of Police and Deputy Commissioners of Police have also been asked to deploy an adequate number of staff day and night to avoid any inconvenience.

Home Minister, Sh. Anil Vij himself organizes Janata Darbar in Ambala on every Saturday and after listening to the complaints of all the complainants who come from all over the State in this Janata Darbar, he gives directions to the concerned officers to resolve the issue with utmost priority. On every Saturday, more than one thousand complainants approach with an expectation that their issue will be redressed immediately.