Chandigarh, June 28: Haryana Home and Health Minister, Sh. Anil Vij said that the slogan “Mahamaari Alert – Surakshit Haryana” carries the message of safety and caution and we need to be careful and alert when it comes to COVID-19. While defending oneself, one has to inspire others to be careful as well.
Sh Anil Vij was talking to people about this subject at his residence in Ambala today. The system of “Mahamaari Alert – Surakshit Haryana ” in the state indicates that the chain of Corona has started breaking.
Sh. Anil Vij said that our main objective is to keep the people of the state careful and alert in order to protect them from COVID-19. The lockdown has yielded fruitful results, so it is necessary for all of us to jointly follow the instructions issued by the government from time to time.