Chandigarh, June 30: Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal, while extending heartiest wishes ahead of National Doctor’s Day celebrated on July 1 every year said that doctors have played a pivotal role in the putting up a tough fight against the ongoing Pandemic by risking their lives, he said that the Doctors have remained in the forefront as to save every precious life during this Pandemic.
The Chief Minister was addressing a press conference here today.
Responding to a question regarding reoperation of tolls on national highways, the Chief Minister said that three tolls of the Haryana government have been made operational. Now the Centre will take cognizance in the matter of starting the toll of the Central Government, he said
He said that there are a handful of people politically motivated people who are misleading the farmers’ movement, but the government does not want to indulge in any kind of confrontation with them. This is only a politically conspiracy to defame the government, he said.
Replying to another question, the Chief Minister said that there are 1400 such families residing in Khori Gaon Basti colony in Faridabad who are voters of Haryana. The government is working on a plan for their rehabilitation. These families will be provided flats built in Dabua Colony at prescribed rate. For this, arrangements will also be made so that they can easily get loan from the banks, said Sh. Manohar Lal.
“So far seven lakh candidates have applied for the one-time registration for the youth of the state. The decision regarding the C and D group exam will be taken soon, said the Chief Minister while replying to another question,
30,000 poor families identified
The Chief Minister informed that under the Mukhyamantri Antyodaya Parivar Utthan Yojana, so far 30,000 poor families having lowest income have been identified in the state on the basis of income verification. Their data will be sent to the concerned departments so that the income of these families can be increased, he added. He said that this work would be started from July 1 and for this year the state government has set a target of financial upliftment of one lakh such poor families having the lowest income.