Chandigarh, July 16- Department of Secondary School Education, Haryana has invited applications from teachers eligible for ‘State Teacher Award-2021’. Applications have been invited through online portal. For filling the applications link will be made available on July 19, 2021 and it will be applicable till July 31, 2021.
Giving information in this regard, the spokesperson of the Department said that this link would be made available on the Departmental website, on which the prescribed criteria and other detailed information have been mentioned. In order to ensure consistency and transparency while awarding ‘State Teacher Award-2021’. During this time, instead of district level committees, state level committees have been constituted at the headquarter level according to different categories of teachers. He also informed that for self-enrolment on the above given link, the applicant-teacher’s password and OTP will be received on his registered mobile number only.