Haryana Health Minister, Sh. Anil Vij said that soon the Post Covid Centre named, ‘Umang’ will be started in the  Government Hospitals of the state

news makhani

Chandigarh, May 21 – To ensure complete recovery post COVID, Haryana Health Minister, Sh. Anil Vij said that soon the Post Covid Centre named, ‘Umang’ will be started in the  Government Hospitals of the state.

Sh. Vij said that these Centres named ‘Umang’ are being started where the corona recovered patients will not only be treated but will also be given training by trainers for their physical fitness through Yoga and Pranayam at the Centres.

Besides this, services of physiotherapists and other physicians will also be available at these Centres. He said that due to increasing cases of corona virus, patients are facing problems even after recovering from it and the state government is all set to tackle this situation.

The Health Minister said that due to the spike in the cases of black fungus, its medicine will be imported for treatment.  He said that the disease called ‘black fungus’ has come to fore recently due to which there is a shortage of its medicine.

The state government has appealed to the Centre in this regard.  Apart from this, Haryana Government is floating global tenders for one crore doses of vaccine and other essential injections apart from which the state is getting vaccine regularly from the Centre.

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