EASI of Police Station Sivani, District Bhiwani caught red handed by a team of State Vigilance Bureau, Haryana while accepting bribe of Rs. 10,000

Chandigarh, June 18: A team of State Vigilance Bureau, Haryana caught EASI Iqbal Singh, Police Station Sivani, District Bhiwani while accepting a bribe of Rs. 10,000/- from Sh. Dharampal r/o New Shanti Vihar, Kaimri Road, Hisar.

Sh. Iqbal Singh, complainant  informed the  State Vigilance Bureau that a complaint has been made by one Subhash at Police Station Sivani against him and two others. The same has been pending with the said EASI for enquiry. The latter has demanded Rs. 50,000 from him to file the complaint. He has been asked to give Rs 25,000 today and remaining Rs. 25,000 after one week. Only Rs. 10,000 could be arranged by him today and he does not want to give this bribe to the said EASI. The complainant requested to take legal action against EASI Iqbal Singh.

After receiving the information, a case was registered in Police Station, SVB, Hisar.  A team headed by Insp. Dharambir, SVB, Hisar was constituted.   Sh. Krishan Kumar, Nayab Tehsildar, Sivani and Sh. Deepak Kumar, Clerk, Tehsil Sivani  were appointed as Duty Magistrate and Shadow witness respectively. The team of SVB apprehended the said EASI Iqbal Singh red handed in the presence of Duty Magistrate and shadow witness while accepting bribe of Rs. 10,000 from the complainant. The accused is being interrogated thoroughly. The investigation of the case is in progress.

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