Haryana Government has suspended the exhibition of the film, ‘Shooter’, a Punjabi Movie, with immediate effect till further orders and during such suspension the film shall be deemed to be uncertified in the State

Chandigarh, August 20 – Haryana Government has suspended the exhibition of the film, ‘Shooter’, a Punjabi Movie, with immediate effect till further orders and during such suspension the film shall be deemed to be uncertified in the State.

Sharing information in this regard an official spokesperson of the Home Department said that the violent content and depiction of dark world of crime in the movie is likely to have a harmful and negative impact on school and college going students as they are vulnerable to be affected by glorification and depiction of crime and violence.

He added that the screening of the motion picture might promote gangster/gun culture and thus, will negatively influence the impressionable minds of teenagers and youth.

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