Chandigarh September 14: As per the direction given by Haryana Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal to ensure adoption of Hindi as one of the official languages at administrative level across the State, Haryana Sahitya Akademi has started Hindi Pakhwara. Some new schemes have been also been added in the Hindi Pakhwara starting from today.
Sharing information in this regard, Akademi spokesperson said that from September 14, Akademi Hindi administrative vocabulary will be sent to all the heads of departments and corporations to facilitate selection of correct words in Hindi while doing government work.
During this Hindi Pakhwara, money is being sent to the bank accounts of those kiriti awardees who have been hounoured for doing excellent work, while the remaining Kriti Awards and grants will also be announced by this week.
He said that the new issue of Hindi magazine Harigandha focuses on the topics of Hindi, achievements, utility and Information Technology. For this about two dozen writers from all over the world have contributed.
The spokesman said that a picture-gallery of Hindi literary writers has also been established in the Akademi building complex and in the same week, metal statues of three great litterateurs of Haryana Sant Surdas, Babu Balmukund Gupt and Pandit Lakhmi Chand will also be setup.
The spokesman said that three webinars and a virtual poet conference are also being organized in this Hindi Pakhwara. The statue of Babu Balmukund Gupt will be formally inaugurated this week.
He informed that the Akademi will also give impetus to the publication of excellent literature and in collaboration with other academies of the State and, a mobile exhibition-vehicle will be deputed for the sale of these publications.