67,322 houses surveyed and 2,58,696 people screened in 6 days: Civil Surgeon

Mission Fateh 2 
Covid testing camps being conducted in villages on daily basis
SAS Nagar, May 26 2021
In order to make villages Covid-19 pandemic free, the recently launched Mission Fateh-2 campaign is in full swing in SAS Nagar district Civil Surgeon Dr. Adarshpal Kaur said in a press communique that under the campaign launched by the Punjab government, Covid sampling testing and dour to door screening survey has been going on in the villages of the district since May 21. She disclosed that the target is to survey a total of 1,24,954 houses in the three health blocks of the district namely Dera Bassi, Gharuan and Boothgarh and to cover a population of 6,25,540 individuals . She informed that during the first six days Asha workers have completed survey of as many as 67,322 houses and other dwelling places and reached out to 2,58,696 people and screened them. Civil Surgeon said that under the supervision of Senior Medical officers, community health officers, multipurpose health workers and Asha workers are visiting village Sarpanchs and residents to motivate them for sampling and daily Cavid testing camps are being organised in villages. So far as many as 6218 Rapid Antigens tests and 268 RTPCR tests have been done.
Dr. Adarshpal Kaur said that the health teams are working diligently to make this campaign a success and the survey would be completed within a few days. She said that the main objective of the survey is to screen every person living in the villages so that the pandemic could be eradicated from the villages. To this end, Asha workers are going door-to-door to find out if any member of the household is suffering from cough, cold, fever etc. and if such symptoms are found, they are being tested. She said that health of the home-isolated patients is also being monitored regularly and they are being provided with Fateh kits by health teams.
Dr Adarshpal again appealed to the people to not step out of homes aimlessly and if there is an urgent need to move out, the face should be covered with masks and necessary distance from each other should be maintained. It is also important to wash bands frequently with soap and water. People should contact the health department’s helpline no 104 for the expert advice” She said.