Awareness camp on FMD held in Singay Lalok

Leh, July 21 2021 Chairman, Block Development Council (BDC), Singay Lalok, Stanzin Yangdol, in collaboration with the Sheep Husbandry Department, Khaltsi, organised an awareness camp on Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in goats and sheeps. A total of 8,700 livestock were vaccinated against FMD in the block.
Chairman, BDC Singay Lalok, highlighted the importance and need of FMD vaccination to control the outbreak of the disease among the livestock.
Earlier, Block Officer, Sheep Husbandry, Khaltsi, Phuntsog Tashi, briefed the villagers of Singay Lalok about FMD and the vaccination. He also shared the benefits of various departmental schemes and urged the villagers to avail of these schemes.