Ludhiana, October 8 2021
To spread the awareness on the stubble burning menace and Covid safety protocols including physical distancing, mask-wearing, hand hygiene among the peasantry and others, the district administration has installed hoardings and pasted posters in the villages and grain markets to sensitize them.
READ MORE :-Five member SAD delegation to visit Lakhimpur Kheri today.
Divulging the details in this regard, Deputy Commissioner Varinder Kumar Sharma said that these steps have been taken to keep the Ludhiana free of stubble burning menace and Covid case during paddy procurement operations. He said that these are effective measures to ensure the farmers and others get educated about the harmful impact of the stubble burning and the precautions from Covid-19 pandemic.
He said that this extensive awareness drive is being undertaken by the administration in the villages and grain markets/purchase centers so that all farmers shun the practice of stubble burning and people involved in the procurement operations obey the social distancing, wear a mask, or wash hands frequently in the grain markets and the whole exercise completes safely.
He added the administration is making strenuous efforts to eliminate the stubble burning from which creates harmful gases and poses a serious danger to human health and environment. He appealed the farmers to adopt crop residue management with the help of ultra-modern equipment on which heavy subsidies are being given.
Sharma said that already to decongest the grain markets for smooth paddy procurement amidst COVID- 19, the administration has increased the purchase centres in the district by marking additional procurement centres along with existing 108-grain markets.
Deputy DMO Bir Inder Singh Sidhu said that these hoardings/posters have been provided to all the markets and staff in the markets before the start of procurement season.