District Consultative Committee Meeting was convened by the Lead Bank Office, Punjab National Bank, SAS Nagar at District Administrative Complex, SAS Nagar to review the progress of Banks for the quarter ending June, 2021 which was attended by District Coordinators of all Banks of the District. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Himanshu Aggarwal, ADC (D). Sh. Upkar Singh, Chief Lead District Manager , SAS Nagar welcomed ADC (D), District Development Manager, NABARD, AGM, Reserve Bank of India, District Co-ordinators of all Banks, Director RSETI and Govt. Officials from other departments.
Dr. Himanshu Aggarwal, ADC (D) launched the District Credit Plan for 2021-22 on this occasion. The District Credit Plan 2021-22 envisages credit disbursal of Rs. 8097.53 crore out of which Rs. 6583.24 crore is to be given under Priority Sector. Further, he reviewed progress of all the banks for the Q.E June 2021 under Annual Credit Plan 2021-22 and advised all the Bankers to dispose off the PM SVANIDHI applications (PRADHAN MANTRI ATMANIRBHAR NIDHI) and all other pending applications related to Govt. schemes like Kissan Credit Cards to dairy farmers, Self Help Groups Credit Linkage and Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme etc.
Sh. Upkar Singh, Chief LDM informed that the district has surpassed the Priority Sector targets with an achievement of 51.98% against the national goal of 40%. The Credit Deposit Ratio is 61.68% against the national goal of 60%. Under Prime Minister Mudra Yojna, 26377 beneficiaries have been sanctioned loan up to 30.06.2021. Under Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojna 162696 & under Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Beema Yojna 51913 beneficiaries had been covered up to 30.06.2021. Sh. Upkar Singh also urged the banks to give special focus on social security schemes launched by Govt. of India like Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojna, Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Beema Yojna and Atal Pension Yojna.
Ms. Parvinder Kaur Nagra, District Development Manager, NABARD discussed the Joint Liability Groups, Self Help Groups and the Area Development Scheme in respect of Dairy and polyhouse. Formation of Farmer Produce Organizations was also discussed to mobilize maximum farmers for the purpose.
Sh. Anoop Kumar Sharma, AGM, Reserve Bank of India, conveyed his message that Rural bank branches may conduct Financial Literacy Camps as per RBI guidelines. However, Govt. guidelines on COVID must be adhered to at the time of conducting of such camps. He also highlighted the recent guidelines issued by RBI.
The role played by banks was appreciated. Shri Upkar Singh, Chief LDM conveyed his thanks to ADC(D) for his valuable guidance and ensured District Administration that Banks will put their best foot forward for the smooth implementation of all the Govt. Schemes and shall achieve all the priority sector targets of the district in future also.