Chief Minister gives bonanza to farmers: Crop Compensation


amount increased from Rs. 12,000 to Rs. 15,000

Compensation amount increased from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 12,500

Inauguration of modern Cooperative Sugar Mill built at a cost of Rs. 263 crore in Karnal

Chandigarh, November 8- Haryana Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal, while giving a bonanza to the farmers of the State, increased the crop compensation amount in case of damage from Rs.12,000 to Rs.15,000 and increased the amount of Rs. 10,000 to Rs.12,500. Besides this, it has also been announced to increase the compensation slab below this by 25 per cent. The Chief Minister made this announcement during the launch of a modern Cooperative Sugar Mill in Karnal on Monday built at a cost of Rs. 263 crore.

The Chief Minister said that the Haryana Government is giving the highest crop compensation across the country, however, as there was no increase in this amount since few years, so it has been enhanced further.  The Chief Minister called upon the farmers to get their crop insured. He said that two days ago the government had announced that the farmer possessing 2 acres of land will not have to pay crop insurance premium, while for the farmers possessing 5 acres of land, the government has decided to pay half the premium. The farmers having land more than 5 acres will have to get the crop insured themselves.

He said that the capacity of Karnal Sugar Mill has been increased from 2200 TCDC to 3500 TCDC.  He said that now the farmers of Karnal and its surrounding areas will not have to take their sugarcane elsewhere because if required mill with run more.

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The Chief Minister said that the rate of sugarcane in Haryana is the highest in the country and he assured the farmers that the rate of sugarcane would remain the highest.

Besides this, the Chief Minister immediately enhanced the washing allowance given to employees of Sugar Mill from Rs 25 to Rs 100. The Chief Minister also assured to consider the ex-gratia policy of these employees.

Sugarcane mills will generate income from producing electricity and ethanol

The Chief Minister said that there are 11 Cooperative Sugar Mills in the State. The government is constantly making efforts to reduce the losses being faced by these Sugar Mills. Power generation plants and ethanol plants are being set up in these mills.  He said that the country would get the benefit of foreign exchange by setting up ethanol plants. The government is investing Rs. 660 crore in expanding the Sugar Mills.  Gradually, power generation plants and ethanol plants will be set up in all cooperative sugar mills. This will increase the income of sugar mills and reduce losses.

The main aim of the government is to double the farmers’ income

Chief Minister, Sh. Manohar Lal said that doubling the income of farmers is the main goal of the government. The government is constantly encouraging progressive farmers. Along with this, other farmers are also being encouraged to start fruit and vegetable farming instead of traditional farming.

No shortage of manure

The Chief Minister said that farmers will not face shortage of manure during the sowing of wheat and mustard.  The supply of fertilizers is being ensured as the Government is continously in touch with the Union Minister. According to the daily demand, sufficient fertilizer is reaching Haryana. The Chief Minister assured the farmers that they would not face any problem in this regard.

Farmers adopting new irrigation techniques

The Chief Minister called upon the farmers to adopt new irrigation techniques.  He said that due to the continuous use of ground water, some areas are coming under the dark zone.  In such a situation, farmers should adopt new irrigation techniques like drip irrigation etc.  The Chief Minister also gave the example of Israel regarding the irrigation system, where irrigation is done through different techniques.

Farmers should not burn the stubble

The Chief Minister said that farmers should not burn stubble. This increases air pollution. Also, the government is giving an incentive of Rs 1,000 to the farmers who will not burn stubble. Besides this, development grant amount of Rs 10 lakh is also being given to the panchayats in the red zone areas which are giving certificates for not burning stubble.

There may be a solution to the farmers’ movement

Speaking on the farmers’ movement, the Chief Minister said that it is not a movement of farmers but of selected people. Thus, if they give up, it will be resolved.  People are facing problems due to road blockages.

Cooperation Minister, Dr. Banwari Lal, Karnal MP,  Sh. Sanjay Bhatia, SugarFed Chairman, Sh. Ramkaran, Nilokhedi MLA, Sh. Dharampal Gonder, Indri MLA, Sh. Ram Kumar Kashyap, Gharaunda MLA, Sh. Harvinder Kalyan, Additional Chief Secretary, Sh. Sanjeev Kaushal and other officers were also present in the programme.

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