CHANDIGARH, September 23:
The Punjab Cabinet, led by Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh, on Wednesday approved the rules for governing the conduct of business of the Punjab State Police Complaints Authority, 2020, set up earlier this year to probe allegations of serious misconduct against police officers of the rank of Senior Superintendent of Police/Deputy Commissioner of Police & above.
It may be noted that Section 54-F of the amended Punjab Police Act, 2007 stipulates that the State Police Complaints Authority shall make rules for the conduct of its business and that of the Divisional Police Complaints Authorities, with the approval of the State Government.
Notably, the Punjab Police Act, 2007 was notified on February 5, 2008 in compliance with the directions of the Supreme Court of India, as contained in its judgment of September 22, 2006 in the case Parkash Singh and Ors. Vs. Union of India & Ors.
The proviso of section 54 of the original (un-amended) Punjab Police Act, 2007 envisages that the State Government may, by notification, constitute Police Complaints Authorities at the State level as well as the District level. The State Government, vide a notification dated August 29, 2014, had, however, further amended Section 54 of the Punjab Police Act, 2007 and added the provisions for constitution of Police Complaints Authorities at State and Divisional level, along with terms of office of the Chairperson and the Members and their functions.
In January 23, 2020, the Captain Amarinder government had, under the amended Section, constituted the State Police Complaints Authority, with Dr. N.S. Kalsi (Retd.) as Chairperson.